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Velkommen til vores nye kollega // Welcome to our new colleague

Der er startet en ny lektor på instituttet // There is a new associate professor at the department

(In English below)

Cătălin-Gabriel Stanescu er fra Rumænien, og pr. 15. september er han ansat som lektor på Juridisk Institut, hvor han er blevet tilknyttet forskningsgruppen Privatret. 

I 2015 fik Cătălin sin S.J.D. (svarende til en ph.d.) i international erhvervsret fra Central European University, Budapest, med afhandlingen “Self-Help, Private Debt Collection, and the Concomitant Risks. A Comparative Analysis of the Laws of the United States versus the Laws of France, Germany, Romania, and the United Kingdom”. Forud for dette blev han i 2007 kandidat i statskundskab på National School of Political and Administrative Studies i Bukarest, og i 2011 færdiggjorde han en LL.M. i international erhvervsret på Central European University i Budapest.

Før sin ansættelse på SDU var Cătălin postdoc og efterfølgende Marie Curie-stipendiat og adjunkt på Københavns Universitet. Han har også været gæsteforelæser på adskillige europæiske universiteter og i Asien. 

Cătălin har stor praktisk erfaring på området inden for rumænsk og international erhvervsret. I 2006 blev han medlem af Romanian Bar Association (den rumænske advokatforening) og startede samtidig sin egen advokatpraksis. Han har desuden arbejdet som intern konsulent i de rumænske datterselskaber til to multinationale energivirksomheder. 

Cătălins forskningsinteresser ligger inden for erhvervsret, inden- og udenretslig håndhævelse af fordringer, konkurs, energilovgivning samt internationale kontrakter. Hans nuværende forskning har fokus på finansiel forbrugerbeskyttelse samt personlig insolvens. 

Vi byder Cătălin hjertelig velkommen til Juridisk Institut!


Cătălin-Gabriel Stanescu


Cătălin-Gabriel Stanescu is from Romania, and as of 15 September, he is an associate professor at the Department of Law where he is linked to the Private Law Research Group.

In 2015, he obtained his S.J.D. (equivalent to a PhD) in International Business Law from Central European University, Budapest, with a thesis titled “Self-Help, Private Debt Collection, and the Concomitant Risks. A Comparative Analysis of the Laws of the United States versus the Laws of France, Germany, Romania, and the United Kingdom”. He also holds an M.A. in Political Science (National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bukarest, 2007) and an LL.M. in International Business Law (Central European University, Budapest, 2011).

Before joining SDU, Cătălin was a postdoctoral researcher and, subsequently, a Marie Curie fellow and assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen. He is also a visiting lecturer at several European universities and in Asia.

Cătălin has extensive practical experience in the field of Romanian and international private law. In 2006, he became a member of the Romanian Bar Association and opened his own practice. He also worked as an in-house counsel for the Romanian subsidiaries of two multinational energy corporations. 

Cătălin’s research interests lie in commercial law, judicial and non-judicial enforcement of claims, bankruptcy, energy law and international contracts. His current research focuses primarily on consumer financial protection and personal insolvency. 

Welcome to the Department of Law, Cătălin!

Redaktionen afsluttet: 24.09.2021