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Fire nye adjunkter på instituttet // Four new assistant professors at the department

Velkommen til vores nye adjunkter // Please welcome our new assistant professors

(in English below)

Pr. 1. juni er Nanna Grønning-Madsen, Louise Damkjær Christensen og Lotte Helms blevet ansat som adjunkter på Juridisk Institut, og den  1. august følger Aloka Wanigasuriya trop.

Nanna Grønning-Madsen
er cand.jur. fra SDU og har tidligere arbejdet med asyl- og indfødsret i Udlændingestyrelsen samt Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet. Derudover har hun netop fået en ph.d.-grad fra SDU, og titlen på hendes afhandling er ”Terrorismeforsættets kendetegn – En retsdogmatisk analyse af straffelovens § 114”. På instituttet vil hun være tilknyttet forskningsgruppen Retten i samfundet.

Nannas primære fokus- og interesseområder er terrorlovgivningen, national og international strafferet, udlændingeret samt retssikkerhed. Hun underviser i strafferet på vores hel- og deltidsuddannelser.

Louise Damkjær Christensen er cand.jur. fra SDU og har ligeledes en ph.d.-grad i jura herfra. Som adjunkt vil hun fortsætte sin tilknytning til forskningsgruppen Privatret. Udover at være tilknyttet instituttet i Odense skal Louise bidrage til etableringen af vores nye jurauddannelse på SDU Esbjerg.

Louises ph.d.-afhandling bærer titlen ”Adapting to Financial Innovation in EU Payment Services Regulation” og belyser, som titlen antyder, EU-lovgivningens evne til at tilpasse sig finansiel innovation inden for betalingstjenester. 

I sit adjunktur vil Louise fortsætte sin forskning inden for betalingstjenester, men også forske i forskellige aspekter af cryptoaktiver, bekæmpelse af hvidvask i finansielle institutioner samt forbrugerbeskyttelsesperspektiver inden for kapitalmarkedsretten. Hun underviser i fagene Insolvensret og Introduction to Banking Law and Financial Market Law. 

Lotte Helms kommer fra Bornholm og fik sin ph.d. i foråret med ph.d.-afhandlingen ”Beviskravet i straffesager”, der netop er udgivet som bog. Ud over at være jurist har Lotte en uddannelse som hhv. jordemoder og fagjournalist i bagagen. På Juridisk Institut vil hun være tilknyttet forskningsgruppen Retten i samfundet.

Lottes primære faglige fokus er det strafferetlige område, og hun underviser i strafferet på vores bacheloruddannelse og er vejleder på bacheloropgaver og kandidatspecialer. 

Fra og med den 1. august er også Aloka Wanigasuriya ansat som adjunkt og bliver tilknyttet vores forskningsgruppe i international ret. Hun er uddannet advokat i sit hjemland, Australien, og har en kandidatgrad i international human rights law fra Lunds Universitet og en juridisk ph.d.-grad fra Københavns Universitet. Hun kommer fra en stilling som videnskabelig assistent på vores institut.

Aloka har tidligere været tilknyttet Lunds Universitet, Raoul Wallenberg Instituttet for Menneskerettigheder, Dansk Institut for Menneskerettigheder, Special Court for Sierra Leone (Trial Chamber II, Prosecutor v Taylor), Københavns Universitet samt University of Newcastle. Hun har desuden været gæsteforsker ved hhv. Castan Center for Human Rights Law ved Monash University, Lunds Universitet og Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law.

Som adjunkt skal Aloka arbejde med problemstillinger i folkeret samt arbejde videre inden for sine forskningsinteresser, der p.t. især dækker international strafferet med særligt fokus på den igangværende krig mellem Rusland og Ukraine. Hun skal desuden undervise på vores bacheloruddannelse og varetage en del undervisning og vejledning på vores MOISL-uddannelse (Master of Social Sciences in International Security and Law), som Juridisk Institut varetager sammen med forskere fra Statskundskab på SDU.

Hjerteligt velkommen til jer alle fire!

Nanna 2

Louise Damkjær Christensen

Lotte Helms

Aloka 2


As of 1 June, Nanna Grønning-Madsen, Louise Damkjær Christensen og Lotte Helms are assistant professors at the Department of Law, and on 1 August, Aloka Wanigasuriya joins them.

Nanna Grønning-Madsen holds a Master in Law from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and has previously worked with asylum law and naturalization law in the Danish Immigration Service as well as at the Ministry of Immigration and Integration. Furthermore, she holds a PhD degree from the university, and her thesis is entitled ”Terrorismeforsættets kendetegn – En retsdogmatisk analyse af straffelovens § 114” (her research question was "What characterizes the terroristic intent in section 114 of the penal code?"). At the Department of Law, Nanna will be affiliated with the research group Law in Society.

Nanna’s main areas of interest are terror legislation, national and international criminal law, immigration law and legal certainty. She teaches criminal law at both our full- and part-time law programme. 

Louise Damkjær Christensen holds an LLM from SDU where she also obtained her PhD in law earlier this year. She will be associated with the Private Law research group at the department in Odense, but she will also contribute to the new law programme at SDU Esbjerg.
Louise’s PhD thesis is entitled “Adapting to Financial Innovation in EU Payment Services Regulation”, and the thesis deals with the ability of EU legislation to accommodate financial innovation in payment services. 

During her appointment as an assistant professor, Louise will continue her research in payment services, but she also plans to carry out research on different aspects of crypto-assets, anti-money laundering and financial institutions as well as consumer protections perspectives within financial and capital markets law.

Lotte Helms hails from the Danish island Bornholm and obtained her PhD at SDU this spring with the thesis "The Standard of Proof in Criminal Cases," which has just been published as a book. In addition to being a lawyer, Lotte has previously trained as both a midwife and as a professional journalist. At the Department of Law, she will be affiliated with the research group Law in Society.

Lotte’s primary academic focus lies in the field of criminal law, and she teaches criminal law in our bachelor’s programme and supervises both bachelor theses and master's theses. 

From 1 August, Aloka Wanigasuriya will be employed as an assistant professor of international law and will be attached to the research group on international law. Aloka is an Australian lawyer, has an LLM in international human rights law from Lund University (Sweden) and a PhD degree in law from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark).

Aloka has previously been affiliated with Lund University, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights, the Danish Institute for Human Rights, the Special Court for Sierra Leone (Trial Chamber II, Prosecutor v Taylor), The University of Copenhagen and The University of Newcastle. She has additionally been a visiting researcher at the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law at Monash University, Lund University and the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law.

As assistant professor, Aloka will continue to work with her ongoing research in international criminal law and accountability avenues for the alleged international crimes committed during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Additionally, she will teach some of the courses in our bachelor of law programme. Her primary teaching responsibilities will be in relation to courses taught in SDU’s MOISL programme (Master of Social Sciences in International Security and Law), which the Department of Law runs jointly with the Department of Political Science at SDU. 

A warm welcome to all of you!

Redaktionen afsluttet: 28.06.2023