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Velkommen til vores nye postdoc // Welcome to our new postdoc

Der er startet en ny postdoc på instituttet // There is a new postdoc at the department

(In English below)

Pr. 1. april 2022 er Jingjing Wu ansat som postdoc på Juridisk Instituts center, Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice, og er blevet tilknyttet instituttets forskningsgruppe International Ret. 

Jing har en ph.d. fra Tilburg Universitet i Holland, og hendes afhandling bærer titlen “The Justifiability of Particular Reasoning in Constructive Dialogue between China and International Human Rights Treaty Bodies”.  

Hendes forskning strækker sig fra folkeret, menneskerettigheder og retsfilosofi (især juridisk argumentation) til international miljøret og transnational miljøledelse. Hun har undervist i både Hong Kong og Holland i folkeret, menneskerettigheder, international miljøret samt bæredygtighed og verdensmål. 

Hun kommer fra en stilling som postdoc på David C Lam Institute for East-West Studies på Hong Kong Baptist University, hvor hun forskede i Parisaftalens juridiske betydning. 

På Juridisk Institut kommer hun til at forske i ”naturens rettigheder” (rights of nature). Et emne, som hun har været optaget af siden 2017, hvor India Uttarakhand High Court besluttede sig for at tildele rettigheder til floderne  Ganges og Yamuna. Jing har også skrevet artikler om emnet forud for sin ansættelse på SDU.

Foruden forskning og undervisning har Jing erhvervserfaring fra startups (som PR- og marketingmedarbejder), advokatfirmaer (som juridisk assistent) samt Det schweiziske handelskammer i Beijing. Hun har også været medlem af the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research, redaktør på the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research Newsletter samt chefredaktør på Tilburg Law Review.

Vi byder Jing hjertelig velkommen til Juridisk Institut!

Jing Wu

As of 1 April 2022, Jingjing Wu is a postdoc at the Department of Law’s centre, Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice, and has entered the department’s Public International Law research group. 

Jing has a PhD from Tilburg University in the Netherlands, where she wrote her dissertation “The Justifiability of Particular Reasoning in Constructive Dialogue between China and International Human Rights Treaty Bodies”.

Her research ranges from international public law, human rights, legal philosophy (particularly legal argumentation) to international environmental law and transnational environmental governance. She has taught courses on both international public law, human rights, international environmental law and law and sustainability in the Netherlands as well as in Hong Kong. 

Before she started her position at the department, she was a postdoc researcher at the David C Lam Institute for East-West Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, where she did research on the legal impact of the Paris Agreement. 

At our department, she will be doing research on Rights of Nature. She has been fascinated by this topic since 2017 when India Uttarakhand High Court decided to give rivers Ganga and Yamuna rights. She has also written articles on Rights of Nature prior to starting her position at SDU.

Outside research and teaching, Jing has experience working in startup companies (PR and management), law firms (paralegal), and Swiss Chamber of Commerce (Beijing). She was also a member of the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research, editor of the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research Newsletter, and senior editor of Tilburg Law Review.

Welcome to the Department of Law, Jing!

Redaktionen afsluttet: 06.04.2022