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The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

Focus Topics

The cluster examines and addresses several research questions and projects of relevance to society. On this page, you can learn more about ongoing and future activities. We welcome all researchers and other actors with an interest in sustainable markets to join our cluster. Please contact the steering committee if you are interested.

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  • Sustainable Behavior

    Research policy often encourages solutions that can empower or ‘responsibilize’ consumers or other economics actors toward sustainable actions. How possible or desirable are these solutions for different social groups with differing resources? Are such solutions best achieved through systemic and regulatory change towards sustainability and/or through mobilizing agents’ voluntary action? How do innovation and technology that foster sustainability become accepted and rooted in marketplace cultures? These are all questions with which the cluster engages.

  • Market Shaping Activities

    Markets often commodify resources and draw on natural capital for production. The aim is to investigate how companies respond to sustainability challenges over time and how they plan to respond to them in the near future through strategic action. In the bigger picture we deal with the connection between markets and sustainability, i.e. how the shaping of the markets (the patterns of collaboration and competition and the practices of production and exchange) can support achievement of sustainability goals.

  • Perceptions of Emissions Management

    Due to the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change, managing emissions is among the most pressing sustainability issues facing firms today, and firms are under growing pressure from investors and other stakeholders to mitigate their emissions. Consequently, firms are taking steps to manage their emissions and adopting emissions targets to help guide their emissions management strategies. Against this background we examine whether investors are sensitive to firms’ strategies to manage emissions.

  • Sustainable Energy Supply

    The cluster draws on its expertise in the legal ramifications around heating systems as well privacy and energy monitoring when investigating sustainable energy supply.

  • Circular Economy

    Researchers in the cluster are engaged in research with the Technical Faculty at SDU on circular economy in the context of consumer electronics as well as the project Waste to Value.

Last Updated 18.12.2020