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PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark


With a PhD degree from the University of Southern Denmark, you will be well groomed for a future international research career. As a PhD graduate, you will also be able to find employment in the public sector or in private business where there is an increasing demand for employees with a research background.

Throughout your PhD project you will take part in active research environments both in Denmark and abroad, and in doing so will achieve research results that are eligible for publication in recognised international scientific journals. You will also acquire teaching and knowledge dissemination skills and establish a broad academic basis by attending specialised PhD courses.

As a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, you will get:

  • A PhD programme at the highest international level
  • Broad contact interface with national and international research environments
  • Opportunities for overseas study visits or courses at recognised universities
  • A good research environment with close links to experienced researchers
  • Flexible working conditions

Last Updated 06.12.2023