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Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Fellowships


Join SDU as a European Fellow!

University of Southern Denmark is actively recruiting excellent researchers at all career stages through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Fellowship grant. The fellowships provide full financial, practical and scientific support for mobility to or within Europe.

Join us to:

  • Experience other research environments
  • Acquire new knowledge and skills
  • Advance your scientific career
  • Collaborate and train in excellent environments
  • Get funding for fellowships of 12-24 months!

European Fellowships support the mobility of researchers and provide opportunities to work on ambitious research in Europe. The researcher and host must be a strong match, demonstrating the potential for  scientific excellence and the acquisition of new skills and knowledge on both sides.

  • Research stay in an EU Member State or associated country
  • All nationalities can apply
  • All areas of research are supported
  • Have a PhD degree or at least four years’ research experience by the call deadline
  • Mobility across sectors is encouraged

The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) Research Support team will assist you at every step of your Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Fellowship application.

First of all, you need to establish contact with an SDU host environment. After that, please contact SDU Research Support. We will, in close cooperation with the scientific host and contracted EU consultants, help you in writing a pitch-perfect application that benefits from expert counseling and co-development of both scientific and non-scientific parts.

When a grant is awarded, our International Staff Office will help you in all aspects of taking up residence and working in Denmark, including with practical, social, cultural and legal matters.

Once you have made a good match with an SDU host environment, you should...

  1. Write your project ideas down on a one-pager and forward to your host
  2. Get in touch with SDU Research Support, who will happily answer all your questions, lay down an application road map and provide extensive support at every step
  3. Develop a very good research project!
  4. Keep in mind that training is a central part of the grant and that secondments are looked favourably upon
  5. Participate in the two-day MSCA Masterclass in May in Odense (which is led by field-leading EU application consultants)
  6. Read the call documents carefully
  7. Write the proposal in close collaboration with the SDU supervisor and with full support from Research Support
  8. Finish a full first draft at least two (but rather three) months before the application deadline in September to allow ample time for reviews and revisions
  9. Submit the proposal in a timely way

Learn more at EU’s official Marie Skłodowska-Curie homepage. Under About/Actions/Individual Fellowships you will find info and links for downloading the call and initiating an application.

If planning to apply for an MSCA European Fellowship at University of Southern Denmark. Reach us by…


Phone: +45 6550 3411

Last Updated 16.03.2021