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Borrowing Rules

Borrowing rules for SDU students and employees

  1. To borrow books and other materials from the library you must bring your personal and valid SDU student or employee card and you must have confirmed your acceptance of our borrowing rules.

    Your student or employee card is strictly personal and you will be held responsible for borrowed materials and their return to the library according to the due date.

  2. The loan period is defined as the time frame from the date the material is checked out to you until its due date. Once the loan period is up, the material(s) will be recalled.

    Standard loans: 30 days

    In-library use only: Some titles are only for use in the library. They are labelled Kun til brug på biblioteket/In-library use only in our catalogue and on the books themselves.

    Interlibrary loans (or ILL items): the loan period is determined by the owner library.

  3. You can extend a loan period for an item provided there are no prior reservations on the item. Please login to the library system online using your student or staff credentials and make your renewals.
  4. Routine recall notices will be sent to you by email when the loan period is up. The recall notice will let you know if the loan may be extended or not.
  5. If you do not return the item(s) or extend the loan within 7 days after the routine recall notice has been issued, you will receive a 2nd recall notice with a fee of DKK 25,00 per recalled item (book or other material). If you fail to return the item(s) or extend the loan within 7 days after the 2nd recall notice has been issued, you will receive an invoice to cover replacement costs plus an additional invoice fee of DKK 125,00 DKK. Please note that you will be held liable for the recall and invoice fees whether you subsequently return the item(s) or not. If you fail to pay the invoice the matter will be referred to the Collector of Debts with an additional fee for costs. Please note that the above rules apply to interlibrary loans equally.
  6. Any owed fees may be paid via online banking or MobilePay.

    Online banking: Include your library card no. and name in the message field for the recipient (Besked til modtager) and transfer the owed fee to Registration no.: 3574, Account no.: 1146440.

    MobilePay: Transfer the owed fees to 650682 and include your library card no. and name in the message field for the recipient (Add comment).

  7. Recall and Pick-up messages will be sent to your SDU email unless you have provided us with another email address. Please note that checking your email regularly is your responsibility as is keeping us updated on your current email address. You can make any necessary corrections to your contact information via the library website.
  8. You are responsible for the library materials checked out to you and will be charged the full cost of replacement should any of your borrowed materials be damaged or lost.
  9. If you do not adhere to the rules of the library as stated above, your right to borrow books and materials may be suspended.

Borrowing Rules for non-SDU patrons

  1. To become a borrower at the University Library of Southern Denmark you need a valid e-mail address and valid identification with a Danish CPR-number (e.g. national health card, driver’s license, passport, etc.). You can be registered as a borrower online. When you register to become a borrower, you must use your national health card, which must be presented each time you pick up an item from the library. If you lose your national health card please contact the library immediately so that the card may be suspended.
  2. If you do not have a Danish CPR number, the library may insist on some other form of guarantee or security. Exempt from this rule are students with a valid student card from the University of Flensburg, who may register as borrowers without providing additional security.
  3. Registering as a borrower implies your full acceptance of the library’s borrowing rules. All loans are strictly personal and you will be held responsible for borrowed items and their return to the library within the due date.
  4. If you change your address or your e-mail address, you must inform the library immediately. You can make any necessary corrections to your contact information through the library website.
  5. Recall and Pick-up messages will be sent to your registered email address. Please note that checking your email regularly is your responsibility as is keeping us updated on your current email address.
  6. If you wish to cancel your borrower’s account with us, you must contact the library front desk either personally or by email to:
  7. The loan period is defined as the time frame from the date the material is checked out to you until its due date. Once the loan period is up, the material(s) will be recalled.

    Standard loans: 30 days

    In-library use only: Some titles are only for use in the library. They are labelled Kun til brug på biblioteket/In-library use only in our catalogue and on the books themselves.

    Interlibrary loans (or ILL items): the loan period is determined by the owner library.

  8. You can extend a loan period for an item provided there are no prior reservations on the item. You can do this online in the library’s catalogue via Borrower information.
  9. Routine recall notices will be sent to you by email when the loan period is up. The recall notice will let you know if the loan may be extended or not.
  10. If you do not return the item(s) or extend the loan within 7 days after the routine recall notice has been issued, you will receive a 2nd recall notice with a fee of DKK 25,00 per recalled item (book or other material). If you fail to return the item(s) or extend the loan within 7 days after the 2nd recall notice has been issued, you will receive an invoice to cover replacement costs plus an additional invoice fee of DKK 125,00 DKK. Please note that you will be held liable for the recall and invoice fees whether you subsequently return the item(s) or not. If you fail to pay the invoice the matter will be referred to the Collector of Debts with an additional fee for costs. Please note that the above rules apply to interlibrary loans equally.
  11. Any owed fees may be paid via online banking or MobilePay. Online banking: Include your library card no. and name in the message field for the recipient (Besked til modtager) and transfer the owed fee to Registration no.: 3574, Account no.: 1146440. MobilePay: Transfer the owed fees to 650682 and include your library card no. and name in the message field for the recipient (Add comment).
  12. You are responsible for the library materials checked out to you and will be charged the full cost of replacement should any of your borrowed materials be damaged or lost.
  13. If you do not adhere to the rules of the library as stated above, your right to borrow books and materials may be suspended.
  14. Effective from 1.5.2024, private patrons who have not been active in the past year will be deleted from our library system. This does not apply to users with loans or other outstanding debts. If you wish to become a borrower with us again, you can register via our online registration form.

Interlibrary loans

If you wish to borrow books and materials not part of our own collection, we will try to obtain the material for you as interlibrary loans (ILL) from other libraries in Denmark or abroad. Materials from other Danish libraries are obtained without further costs to you.
Materials from abroad are obtained free of cost for SDU students and staff, while all other patrons must pay a fee of DKK 200.00 per book/article.
Books and material borrowed from other libraries are known as interlibrary loans or Indlånt/ILL. You can make a request for an interlibrary loan through the library website or via, which is a joint Danish library platform that lets you search the collections of all Danish libraries.


Reading room loans

- Rare and costly items may only be used in the library’s monitored reading rooms and are not available for use outside the library.
- Patrons (SDU or not) who are suspended due to failure to return items or pay fees owed may only use the library’s books and materials in the library reading rooms.


Semester loans

The library can set up semester loan collections of material to be made available for a shorter or longer period to match the duration of a specific course or paper writing session. To set up a semester loan collection any SDU lecturer or group of students must contact the library though one of our front desks.
Semester loan items are only available for use on the premises, but may be checked out briefly to make copies.


Requesting material

You can make requests online in the library’s catalogue. Please make a note of your last date of interest in the requested item. Any requests that have not been fulfilled before your last date of interest will be cancelled.

Notices from the library

The library will send you a pick-up notice as soon as your requested materials are ready for you, or if any problems or delays should occur regarding your request. You can always check the status on your requests and loans by logging into the library system and checking under Borrower information.


Picking up requested material – supply within 24 hours

Available books and journals ordered before noon are usually handled on the same day. Please note that this does not apply to materials in storage, in the OUH library, or materials still under acquisition.

Materials ordered before noon will often be ready for next-day pickup, although there may be delays on deliveries between the campus libraries.

You will be notified by email once the material is ready for pickup. You can check the status of your orders anytime through your library account.

Please note that all library orders must be picked up within 7 days.

Forwarding of material – Books to your door

You can have your borrowed books and other materials sent to you by post. The charge for postage is DKK 65.00 per book and DKK 50.00 per sent item for printouts, photocopies, and microfilms (excluding the cost of the printouts and/or photocopies themselves).


Pricing for photocopies and prints

- Self-service printouts/photocopies: A4: (b/w : 1,00 DKK, colour: 2,00 DKK) A3: (b/w: 2,00 DKK, colour: 4,00 DKK)
- Library service printouts/photocopies: DKK 1.00/page (A4/A3; colour or black/white.
- Self-service microfilm copies: DKK 1.50/page (A4).

- Library service microfilm copies: DKK 3.00/page (A4).

Please note that it is not permitted to resell copies and that in many cases it is not permitted to share electronic copies or physical print/copies of textbooks.


Would you like to use one of the library lockers?

As an SDU student you are invited to make use of the library lockers. Due to limited availability, students may borrow only one locker at a time. Please note that the library accepts no liability for the contents of your borrowed locker.
Locker keys may be borrowed at the library front desk for a loan period of 5 months which may be extended provided there is no queue.
When the loan period is up, the locker key will be recalled. At this point you must empty the locker and return the key to the library.
Failure to return the key on time will result in a 2nd recall message and a late fee of DKK 25,00. If you do not return the key at this point, you will receive an invoice for DKK 325,00 covering the cost of replacement + an invoice fee.
At this point the lock will be replaced and the locker emptied. Any items left in the locker will be handed over to SDU Technical Services.



Complaints regarding the use of the University Library of Southern Denmark should be addressed to the library managment via email: or by post to the University Library of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. 

Last Updated 19.12.2024