(Second) Language Learning in the Wild
Søren Wind Eskildsen
2023-2026 -
Cost-Effectiveness and Non-Discrimination in Health Care: Must We Choose?
Lasse Nielsen
2020-2024 -
Design as Somatic Expertise: The User´s Body and Well-Being in Design Today
Harun Kaygan
2022-2025 -
Designing for situated computational thinking with computational things
Nina Bonderup Dohn
2020-2025 -
Eco-engagement and eco-literacy
Ane Qvortrup
2024-2027 -
Environmental Literacy in L1 Education Greening Danish Literary History
Ane Qvortrup
2023-2025 -
Gratifying Transitions: Maintaining Wellbeing in the Face of Climate Change
Søren Harnow Klausen
2023-2024 -
Green Media Production Development
Heidi Philipsen
2023-2024 -
Individuelt moralsk ansvar i skyldens tidsalder
Anne-Marie Søndergaard Christensen
2024-2025 -
Min nye, kunstige ven, legende undersøgelser af kunstig intelligens i skolefritidsordninger
Thomas Enemark Lundtofte
2023-2024 -
Nye Østasisatiske Museumsfortællinger med det historiske drama som drivkraft
Susana Tosca
2024-2026 -
Playing with disaster: Fostering ecoliteracy via playful co-creation
Michael Paulsen
2024-2027 -
Reconciling Science and Democracy - A philosophical inquiry into the democratic foundations of evidence-based policy
Tine Hindkjær Madsen
2024-2026 -
Security and Privacy in Academic Data management At Schools
Emanuela Marchetti
2023-2025 -
Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality
Kristian Mortensen
2024-2027 -
Students' voices on wellbeing (VoiceWell) - Conceptions, measurements, and interventions
Eva Lykkegaard
2024-2027 -
The formation of Impartiality: an intersectional perspective
Liliana Haydee Nunez Andersen
Universskabelse som praksis: TV 2-julekalenderproduktion som case
Nathali Herold Solon Pilegaard
Well-being in Primary Education - Conceptualizations, Negotiations, and Measurements
Camilla Maria Lindskov