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US funding and complicance

European universities can apply to some US federal funds both as a sub-awardee (partner) and in some cases as the main applicant (prime-awardee or coordinator). However it is important to notice that US federal funds typically only award grants to foreign institutions if they have unique facilities or skills and deliver research results that cannot be achieved by researchers in the USA.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) is the US federal fund from which SDU receive most funding. NIH is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services, and it is the primary federal grant provider for health science research in the USA.


Read the Financial Conflict of Interest Policy For The University of Southern Denmark here


Would you like to search US funding opportunities?

You can use Research Professional.

You can search, NIH grants webpage or NIH RePORTER (equivalent of EU H2020 Dashboard).


Do you plan to apply for a US Grant either as a sub-awardee or as a prime-awardee?

Please send a mail to US Sponsored Reseach mailbox - we are happy to support you.


SDU RIO provides the basic support and compliance for US federal funds – especially NIH. In particular SDU RIO maintains the registration of SDU in, eRA commons, and all relevant US federal funds administration systems.


See how we can help you to submit a US grant

Last Updated 27.03.2023