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New external study shows serious extent of harassment and bullying on Danish ships

NEWS Published 06-10-2023 on the homepage of the Ministry for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs

On behalf of the Danish Maritime Authority, the University of Southern Denmark has investigated the extent of harassment and bullying on Danish ships. With the study, it is clear that there are challenges with harassment and bullying on Danish-flagged ships.

In the summer of 2022, following several stories of harassment and bullying on Danish-flagged ships, the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs asked the Danish Maritime Authority for an investigation to clarify the problems.

Now the study is complete, and it shows that there are major challenges with harassment and bullying in the industry. For example, about 17 percent of respondents report that they have experienced bullying in their workplace, while about 11 percent have experienced harassment.

According to the study, this happens especially onboard cargo ships that sail long distances, just as it is to a large extent young seafarers and seafarers with little experience at sea who are subjected to harassment and bullying.

At the same time, the study shows that the challenges with bullying and harassment are not only about gender, but also relate to e.g., race and cultural background.

Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Morten Bødskov says:

“This is completely unacceptable and, frankly, I am surprised at the scale. The report even suggests that, despite the study, there may still be a dark number. This is a problem that the industry needs to address immediately. More simply needs to be done, because it cannot be right that seafarers should fear harassment and bullying – neither on the basis of one's gender nor ethnicity. I have therefore asked the Danish Maritime Authority to engage in a dialogue with the industry partners to find measures that can ensure a safe working environment in both the short and long term. And then we in the government are also very open to looking at the initiatives together”.

Together with stakeholders in the sector, the Danish Maritime Authority must submit a proposal for solutions before the New Year 2023/2024.

Find the full report here.

Editing was completed: 20.10.2023