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Bachelor in Value Chain Management (VCM) or in Business Economics and Information Technology


The following bachelor degrees give access to the master programme at the University of Southern Denmark provided specific subjects within economics and business administration are included in the bachelor programme in a given number of ECTS. In case specific requirements for a given bachelor programme are stipulated, these can be met through electives or elective modules during the given undergraduate programme. If this is not possible, the condition for access to the master programme must be met by supplementary studies after admission or supplementary examinations in the required element in connection with the study start period.

Bachelor degree

Requirement of specific course content

Clarification and Explanation

PBA in Business Economics
and Information
Corporate Finance, 5 ECTS MET in curriculum BEFORE 2012

Statistics, 5 ECTS

Additional methods for analysis of data, 5 ECTS

MET in curriculum BEFORE 2012

PBA i Value Chain Management (VCM) - full 3½ year programme Organization, 5 ECTS

Elective "Organisation and
Continuous Improvement"
meets the requirement

Accounting, 5 ECTS Elective "General
Accounting",10 ECTS
meets the requirement
Corporate Finance, 5 ECTS

The Study Board of Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark

Last Updated 09.02.2024