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A mobile Health solution for early detection of complications in diabetic patients: spatio-temporal video Magnification of invisible human body changes (SMILE)

The aim of the project

The purpose of this project is to develop a mobile solution that can diagnose severe diabetes complications much earlier than is the case at present.

Problems due to lack of oxygen supply to the legs and feet in diabetic patients can lead to serious damage such as open wounds and gangrene, requiring hospitalisation and, in the worst cases, amputation.  

If symptoms of this lack of oxygen supply are detected earlier, the problem can be dealt with much faster and up to 85% of amputations can be avoided. Presently, early symptoms in up to 90% of patients are overlooked, because most patients with these problems exhibit no symptoms.

The project outcome

The goal of the project is to advance clinical practice and medical research by providing an innovative mobile solution available to health professionals, companies, and diabetes patients that can detect and diagnose early signs of serious diabetic complications without requiring a physical examination.


Work package leader: Vitoria Blanes-vidal, Associate Professor, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute


Esmaeil S. Nadimi, Lektor, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
Henning Back-Nielsen, Professor, Department of Clinical Research

Last Updated 26.02.2018