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Audio selftest

Back ground

Imagine a health care system where patients actively participate in the diagnostic of their disease – including hearing disorders – at any place and at any time, whenever it is convenient for the patient.

Furthermore, imagine a health care system, which can meet the increasing demands for treatment and diagnostic procedures because patients are more actively involved in their own diagnostic tests.

The aim of the project

The main objective is to establish a reliable self-test method for determining hearing thresholds by conducting tests within the patients' homes in contrast to meeting up at the hospital.

With the help of this selftest the project wishes to investigate how cancer patients that are undergoing chemo therapy might self-test their own hearing and thus alert doctors if hearing loss is developing.

Hearing loss is a known side effect of the chemo-treatment and one that profoundly affects the patient’s quality-of-life, if it is caught too late. 

The project outcome

Development of a user-friendly, complete and clinically accurate hearing examination platform where patients and people in general can get a thorough and clinical evaluation of their hearing sense


Work package leader: Jakob Nielsen, Associate Professor, Embodied Systems for Robotics and Learning, the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute.


Jesper Hvass Schmidt, consultant M.D. Ph.D. OUH, Associate Professor, Institute of Clinical Research

Olfred Hansen, professor OUH dept. of Oncology, Institute of Clinical Research

Last Updated 26.02.2018