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SDU’s digital tools for researchers are popular at Aalborg University

Researchers at Aalborg University now have access to SDU’s digital tools, which can help with everything from applying for funding to finding new collaboration partners

By Stine Charlotte Saltofte Hansen, , 9/25/2023

In August, Aalborg University (AAU) gained access to SDU’s digital tools for researchers. These tools include the Call Finder app, which matches researchers with relevant EU calls, and the EU Partner app, which helps researchers find collaboration partners in their fields. 

The digital tools provide a different and better way of working, according to Mads Bennedsen, research support officer at AAU. 

- We’ve already introduced some of the apps to a wide range of researchers and departments, and we’re very enthusiastic about them. So are our researchers, he says.

Digital tools save time 

The goal of the digital tools is to enable researchers to search across large databases. The Call Finder app is particularly popular because it saves time in a busy working life.

- It is so intuitive and efficient that researchers can find relevant EU calls themselves or in a short session with an adviser from Research Services or Funding and Project Management. So now we can use our time figuring out whether the calls are relevant, rather than on finding them in the first place, explains Mads Bennedsen.

AAU is similar to SDU in several ways. Just like SDU, AAU in North Jutland has also sharpened its focus on increasing the number of EU grants. 

So now we can use our time figuring out whether the calls are relevant, rather than on finding them in the first place

Mads Bennedsen, Research Support Officer AAU  

- So it’s natural that Aalborg University is the first Danish university to purchase SDU’s digital tools. They should help increase the success rate of the EU applications submitted by the researchers, says Esben Flindt, head of division at SDU RIO.

Development of the first app started in 2018. The number of digital tools has risen steadily, and their purpose is among other things to ease administrative tasks for researchers.

The digital tools

SDU’s apps are developed by research support staff and data specialists from SDU RIO.

Try the new tools

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Contact Dataspecialist Lionel Jouvet if you want to know more about how to use the tools.

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Editing was completed: 25.09.2023