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MCI to lead network project in green power electronics

The Mads Clausen Institute has received DKK 350.000 to build a network in the Baltic Sea region

Over the next year, the Mads Clausen Institute is heading an initiative with the purpose of creating a knowledge network of important interested parties within power electronics, wind and solar energy in the Baltic Sea region. The initiative, Power Electronics for Green Energy, is a cooperation across several technological disciplines, and from the outset, besides the MCI, University of Southern Denmark, it counts partners in Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Germany.


The network will be expanded over the next year with relevant partners in green innovation. These will primarily be development institutions, industry companies as well as stakeholders in innovation politics. Small and medium sized enterprises in wind and solar energy will also enter the network. Their role will be to contribute to transforming knowledge into new products.


Driving force for big EU application

The network will be the driving force for a big application for the EU Interreg VB program in 2015, where the central point is to cut carbon dioxide emissions in the Baltic Sea region. Here, power electronics play an important role, as it is presumed to create increased efficiency in both production and consumption of electricity. More precisely, the goal is to uncover now much you can improve conversion and distribution of wind and solar energy by employing power electronics with new materials based on semiconductors.


The grant of DKK 350.000 is funded by EUSBSR (EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region). Present partners of the network project are the University of Southern Denmark, the Mads Clausen Institute (DK), Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden), University of Tartu (Estonia), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), University of Latvia (Latvia) as well as WTSH – Business Development and Technologi Transfer Corporation of Schleswig Holstein (Germany).


For further information, contact Head of Institute Horst-Günter Rubahn, the Mads Clausen Institute, Ph. 6011 3517 or via e-mail


Editing was completed: 17.03.2014