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Inaugural seminar

Clinical Professor Jess Lambrechtsen - 26.11.2021 - Inaugural seminar

"Stable” coronary artery disease and Cardiac CT

Date and time:

November 26, 2021 from 14:00 hrs. CET 


The Auditorium
University of Southern Denmark
J.B. Winsløws Vej 25
DK-5000 Odense C


On the occasion of Jess Lambrechtsen’s appointment as clinical professor of clinical cardiology at the Cardiovascular Research Unit, Department of Clinical Research, SDU and at the Internal Medicine & Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital Svendborg, the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar with the following program:

14.00-14.05: Introduction and welcome

Uffe Holmskov, Acting Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU

14.05-14.55: “Subclinical and clinical coronary artery disease"

Jess Lambrechtsen, Professor, PhD, Internal Medicine & Emergency Department, Odense University Hospital Svendborg and Unit of Cardiovascular Research, Department of Clinical Research, SDU

14.55-15.50: “The ghosts of cardiac CT: past, present and future"

Koen Nieman, MD, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA

15.50-16.00: Discussion and closing of the seminar


After the seminar, a reception will be held in the Café, J.B. Winsløws Vej 25, ground floor.

The Faculty of Health Sciences would like to invite all interested persons to attend the seminar and the following reception.

If you wish to participate, we kindly ask you to register here no later than November 17, 2021.

For further information or questions, please contact research secretary Bo Nedergaard at


Best regards,

Uffe Holmskov
Acting Dean


Driving directions

The rules that apply to parking in the parking ground by the university buildings, J. B. Winsløws Vej 15 – 25, DK5000 C, exact that visitors arriving by car give the registration number of their vehicle on the iPad in the hall at J.B. Winsløws Vej 25, as soon as they arrive. There are some parking places where a parking disc may be used, but this will appear from the local signs. If you do not register your car, you may get a parking fine.

If the pandemic situation should prevent the conduct of the event as planned, the Faculty of Health Sciences reserves the right to change the event’s format to a virtual Cisco Webex or ZOOM Meeting, and login details will be sent to all registered participants.

Editing was completed: 08.09.2021