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Adjunct professor

Fernando Zampieri appointed as Adjunct Professor

Fernando Godinho Zampieri has been appointed Adjunct Professor in critically ill patients and enhanced statistical models at the Faculty of Health Science for a period of five years. Fernando Godinho Zampieri will be associated with The Research Unit of Clinical Epidemiology

Fernando Godinho Zampieri, 37, Medical Doctor, graduated from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2005. He attended residency in internal medicine and intensive care medicine at the same institution from 2006-2010, and completed his PhD in Medical Sciences in 2017 with the thesis “Relationship between acid-base status and inflammation in the critically ill”. He currently works as a research coordinator at the Hospital do Coração-HCor in São Paulo conducting both randomized controlled trials and observational studies in critically ill patients.

Fernando Godinho Zampieri’s main research foci are epidemiological cohort studies in critically ill patients assessing prognostic factors associated with outcomes both at the patient level (with emphasis on performance status and previous comorbidities) and at hospital level (such as evaluating the impact of organizational factors on outcome). He is also part of the scientific committee of the Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network and the principal investigator of BaSICS randomized controlled trial (a trial on balanced solutions and outcome in critically ill patients), and of the MAPA case-control study, which aims at measuring hospital sepsis attributable mortality. A key point in Fernando Godinho Zampieri’s research is his interest in the use of Bayesian methods and other newer statistical approaches to provide relevant information on large datasets.

Fernando Godinho Zampieri will be involved in research activities at The Research Unit of Clinical Epidemiology, other clinical and para-clinical research units at the hospital, as well as research groups at the University of Southern Denmark. Collaborating with the University of Southern Denmark is a great opportunity to produce relevant epidemiological research using Danish healthcare system data and propose joint collaborations between Brazil and Denmark. 

Fernando Zampieri
Editing was completed: 07.11.2019