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Corona 2021

SDU begins the reopening after Easter

On 22 March, the government presented an agreement on the reopening of Denmark. This means SDU can begin the reopening of the University and thus give more students and employees physical access to SDU's locations.

On 22 March, the government presented an agreement on the reopening of Denmark after Easter.

You can read the plan here.

We are pleased to inform you that this agreement means SDU can begin the reopening of the University and thus give more students and employees physical access to SDU's locations. The political agreement does not allow for a full reopening of higher education institutions, but we do hope that it is the first step on the road to a full reopening of the University in the next few months. 

SDU will therefore initiate a gradual and controlled reopening after Easter. The reopening will take place in health-safe manner. SDU may adjust its reopening plans in accordance with the authorities' instructions and guidelines.

Please read more about testing and checking, guidelines, access for students and access for employees below.


Test and checking

From Tuesday 6 April onwards, SDU expects the authorities to require that people who show up and are present at one of SDU's locations must have been tested negative for COVID-19 within the last 72 hours. Students and staff are responsible for being tested. SDU's management will provide further information on requirements for testing as soon as the authorities have announced the new rules. 

From Tuesday 6 April, SDU will start building capacity to conduct quick tests in Odense (Campusvej and Winsløwparken), Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg and Sønderborg. This is a new and extensive task for SDU, and the test facilities will therefore be set up throughout April. Until the test facilities have been set up, students and staff are encouraged to use other test facilities outside SDU. As many citizens will be returning to their educational institutions and workplaces after Easter, it must be expected that there will be waiting time and pressure on test facilities outside SDU. During April, SDU will provide further information on the University's test facilities.

From Monday 12 April onwards, SDU expects to perform random checks at SDU's locations, where persons must be able to present proof of testing in order to be allowed to be present at SDU's locations. SDU's management will provide further information on these random checks no later than Friday 9 April.

SDU's management will continuously ensure dialogue with union representatives and students about testing for COVID-19 and checking test results at SDU.


Guidelines, social distancing requirements and gathering limit 
In general, students and staff present at SDU's locations must wear a face mask, keep 2 metres apart and pay attention to hand hygiene. 

The current gathering limit of 5 people, which SDU introduced at the beginning of January 2021 due to high infection rates in Denmark, will be abolished at SDU from 6 April 2021 for teaching, exams and other meeting activities at SDU. 

In special situations, the distance requirement of 2 metres can be deviated from in laboratories etc. Further information will appear from SDU's guidelines

For students

For employees

Access to SDU's buildings requires approval by the faculty and the use of an ID card. 


Access for students

In April, more students will gradually and in a controlled manner be allowed to access SDU. Unfortunately, not all students will be granted access, and the next few months will continue to see a significant amount of online tuition and exams. 

Tuesday 6 April 2021
From Tuesday 6 April, the following students will able to access SDU:

  • Students who have been continuously approved to gain access to SDU's locations due to teaching or exams in laboratories, clinics and workshops.
  • Students who are approved for study spots due to vulnerability. Student Services has already checked and contacted the students in question.
  • Students on some of SDU's part-time studies that require access to SDU's physical facilities. Further information is available to students from the individual faculties.

Monday 12 April 2021 
It is expected that up to 20 % of the total number of students at SDU can gain access to in-person teaching education and in-person exams, and that to a certain extent, study spots, study rooms and the library will be open. The reopening will take place in stages from 12 April onwards.

The faculties are currently preparing detailed plans for which activities are to be converted from online to in-person formats – and which exams are to be conducted in-person or online. The faculties will also determine which groups of students will have access from 12 April onwards. 

The faculties’ reopening plans for different groups of students will be announced to students and staff during the week beginning on 5 April and will be followed up on an ongoing basis with further information in the weeks that follow. 

Not all of SDU’s students will be able to attend SDU in person from 12 April. SDU will await further announcements from the authorities before opening up to more students. In the period after 12 April, many teaching and exam activities will therefore continue to be conducted digitally.


Access for employees

In April, more employees will gradually and in a controlled manner be allowed to access SDU. Employees will primarily be allowed access to support students in their in-person teaching and exam activities. In addition, access is provided to employees who need access to laboratories, clinics and workshops in order to perform their work tasks. 

Tuesday 6 April 2021
From Tuesday 6 April, the following employees will be allowed to access SDU:
  • Employees who carry out in-person teaching and examination activities in laboratories, clinics and workshops, and employees who support these activities. 
  • Employees (incl. PhD students and postdocs) who have already gained access to laboratories etc.
  • Employees (incl. PhD students and postdocs) who perform critical work tasks that require access to laboratories, clinics and workshops.
Monday 12 April 2021
From Monday 12 April, the following employees will be allowed to access SDU:
Employees who carry out in-person teaching and exam activities, and employees who support these activities.
Employees who support study spots, project group rooms and activities at the library.


May 2021

The partial reopening of the universities in April initially includes students and their 
lecturers, but it is expected that the authorities will assess in early May whether the recommendations regarding working from home should be relaxed. If so, more employees at SDU will be allowed to physically return to SDU's locations. Until the authorities have relaxed their recommendations for working from home, SDU encourages employees to perform their work tasks from home.


Stay informed through our FAQ, which is updated regularly: 

For students:

For employees:

Editing was completed: 29.03.2021