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IRS Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospitals Magnus Ploug - June 28, 2024 - PhD Oral Defence Session

"Preoperative management of iron deficiency and anemia in colorectal cancer patients"

Date and time:

28-06-2024 at 15:00


The Auditorium, Esbjerg Hospital
Haraldsgade12, Indgang D
6700 Esbjerg

Committee of Examiners:

Professor emeritus PhD Stefan Lindgren
Skåne University Hospital, Lund University

Consultant , associate professor phd Rune Erichsen
Dep of Surgery, Randers Hospital, Dep clinical epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital

Professor phd Kim Christian Houlind (chair)
Dep Vascular Surgery, Lillebælt Hospital, Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark

Main supervisor:

Clinical Professor Torben Knudsen
Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark

Editing was completed: 23.05.2024