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Department of Economics


Organizing by :
Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark (SDU).

Organizing Committee:

Paul R. Sharp, Peter S. Jensen, Lars Lønstrup, Timo F. Mitze, Egon Noe, Brooks Kaiser, Bjarne S. Jensen, University of Southern Denmark


Economists working in the field of economic growth and international trade are invited to submit a paper or a long abstract (3 pages) for presentation at the Odense (Denmark) conference. Papers focusing on the global economy, growth models, economic history, international trade dynamics, regional economics, sustainability, agricultural and spatial economics, transition economics, and other topic directly relevant to economic growth are welcome. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered for presentation at the conference.


The Ricardo Lecture:

Oded Galor (Brown University).


Keynote Lectures:

Costas Arkolakis (Yale University)

Christopher M. Meissner (University of California, Davis)


Policy Session Speakers on “Common Agricultural Policy” ( CAP 2020 / EU ):

Alan Matthews (Trinity College, Dublin)

Wusheng Yu (University of Copenhagen)


Previous DEGIT conferences were held  in  Denmark (1996),  Hong Kong (1997), Taiwan (1998), Tilburg (1999), Rome (2000), Vienna (2001), Cologne (2002), Helsinki (2003), Reykjavik (2004), Mexico City (2005), Jerusalem (2006), Melbourne (2007), Manila (2008), Los Angeles (2009), Frankfurt (2010), St. Petersburg (2011),  Milan (2012), Lima (2013), Nashville (2014), Geneva (2015), Nottingham (2016), Paris (2017), and Moscow (2018). For further information about these conferences, see the DEGIT homepage:


Prospective participants should submit a draft version of the paper or a 3-page abstract by e-mail no later than May 1, 2019 to: Please include with your draft/abstract a cover page with your name, title, affiliation, address, phone number, and e-mail address. If the draft / abstract is accepted, a completed paper will be due by June 15, 2019. Please address any inquiries about the event to the above email address.



May  1,   2019                       Deadline for receiving draft version / abstract

May  15, 2019                       Notification of acceptance to the author

June 15, 2019                       Deadline for receiving completed paper



A subset of papers on “Agriculture and Economic Development” will be considered for publication in : Special issue of the Scandinavian Economic History Review (SEHR), subject to peer review and approval by Editors.




SEHR - Agriculture special issue


Attend the Conference

DEGIT 2019

Last Updated 20.12.2023