SDU Jobbank is your company's shortcut to collaboration and recruitment of students and graduates from SDU.
To use the job bank, you need to create either a recruiter or company profile. All basic functionalities and postings are free – additionally, extra premium services and exposure can be purchased.
FAQ - SDU Jobbank
There is unfortunately no button to get a direct link to your posting.
Instead, you can follow this short guide:
Log in to your recruiter profile and find the relevant job posting.
Make sure you have clicked on and opened the posting and are not looking at the overview of all postings.
At the top of your browser, find the specific address.
It might look like this:
You now need to remove the part of the link that says '/backend/' so your link will look like this: (be careful not to end up with too many or too few slashes in the link)
With this link, you and everyone else can now access the job posting directly - without requiring a login to SDU Jobbank. It is therefore also very shareable on various social media platforms.
Note! If you can't get the new link to work and are told that you are already logged in, try opening the new link in another browser or in a private (incognito) window in your browser.
There are several people who need to be able to print or save a posting. For example, as documentation that the posting has taken place.
The best way to save a posting is to follow the guide to create a direct link to a posting - you can also find it here in the FAQ.
Once you have found the direct link to the posting and open this link, you will see the posting exactly as the students see the posting on the portal. Here you can save the posting by printing it as a PDF.
Inactive recruiter and company accounts are deleted after 2 years, after which your data and old postings can no longer be accessed.
If your posting has disappeared, it may have expired and is in the archive. Go to postings and reactivate the posting.
Hotline for Businesses
If you need guidance and sparring on how to find a student assistant, you can contact our hotline.
We can discuss with you which job functions different students can handle and are happy to provide feedback on a good job posting.
Please note that we are closed during holiday periods and on public holidays.
Phone Opening Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9 AM to 12 PM.
When you call, you can reach:
Helene Fast Seefeldt
Manuel Kehrer
Michelle H. Pedersen
Lone Søvad Madsen