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Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet


Klyngen udforsker og adresserer en række forskningsspørgsmål og projekter af stor samfundsmæssig relevans. På denne side kan du læse mere om de igangværende og kommende aktiviteter. Vi byder velkommen til alle forskere eller andre aktører, med interesse i Sundhed og Ulighed. Hvis du er interesseret i at blive en del af vores klynge, kontakt da Styregruppen.

Kontakt os
  • Access to Healthcare

    This work package deals with inequalities in access to health care, their evolution and comparative patterns; the importance of health system design, public-private mixes; the political, economic and social dynamics that shape these inequalities; and their effects on outcomes (i.e. health inequalities) and aftereffects (e.g. on political attitudes, individual labor market outcomes). Contact Peter Starke ( if you are interested in joining the work group or want to know more.

  • Health in Rural Areas

    This work package deals with questions such as: How do we equalize the systematic inequalities in health and disease that are between rural areas and cities? What new and relevant perspectives can social sciences bring to this research area in e.g. understanding the reasons behind the inequalities? How does health-related inequalities correlate with dynamics in education, economy and so on? Contact Egon Noe ( if you are interested in joining the work group or want to know more.

  • Healthy Aging and Inequality

    This work package deals with questions related to inequality in aging and healthy aging such as: How can society and the health sector stimulate healthy aging? Does e.g. education have an overall effect on a healthy lifestyle? Contact Jørgen T. Lauridsen ( if you are interested in joining the work group or want to know more.

  • New Technologies

    This work package deals with new technologies and their implementation with questions such as: How does new technology affect the distribution of roles between the patient and the doctor? Which new problems, possibilities and inequalities can arise from new technology as for example telemedicine in the psychiatry? Contact Dorthe Brogård Kristensen ( if you are interested in joining the work group or want to know more.

  • Ecosystems and Involvement Strategies

    In this work package the work group looks at the role that the ecosystem plays in the health sector. How are relatives, businesses and volunteers involved in the co-production of the health care sector? What consequences does this have for different patient groups? Contact Ann Højbjerg Clarke ( if you are interested in joining the work group or want to know more.

  • Inequality in Disease

    This work package deals with questions related to inequality in disease. Why do different patient groups experience the course of their disease differently? What different illness narratives are there e.g. related to the patient’s feeling of guilt and self-responsibility? What consequences and inequality does this result in for the patients involved? Contact Jørgen T. Lauridsen ( if you are interested in joining the work group or want to know more.

Sidst opdateret: 03.11.2022