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PhD programmes at FKF

With a master's degree in physics, chemistry or pharmacy, you have the opportunity to apply for the PhD programme. The PhD course is a 3-year research education, where you will be awarded the PhD degree in the research training programme in which you are completing your education. The PhD programme consists of a course element (30 ECTS), knowledge dissemination, environmental change and preparation of the research project itself. In the PhD programme, you will therefore gain experience in planning and carrying out high-level research including writing scientific articles.

You can read more about the Faculty's research education here


The PhD will be a part of the Research Training Programmes that are situated at the Faculty of Science (more information can be found via the link at the bottom of the page).

Research Training Programmes are usually a collaboration between several institutions/departments and/or other partners. In this way Research Training Programmes establish a strong and committed interaction in the research training area between (for example) private and public businesses, organisations, sector research and universities.

FKF Department hosts the following three Research Training Programmes.

Name: Leader:
Physics Michael Lomholt | E-mail
Chemistry Steffen Bähring | E-mail
Pharmacy Judith Kuntsche | E-mail


Knowledge dissemination:

Here are the rules for knowledge dissemination at FKF. If you have any questions regarding how this is affecting you, please ask your supervisor.

A) If you are employed by SDU and enrolled in the PhD program (most of you) then you have to perform tasks for the department corresponding to 840 hours of work. The 840 work hours for the department include the 300 hours knowledge dissemination. 

B) If you are notemployed by SDU, but just enrolled in the PhD program, then you have to perform 300 hours of knowledge dissemination.

The following addresses those of you that are bothemployed and enrolled as a PhD student at FKF. 

The 840 working hours for the department can be obtained as follows:

  1. Teaching duties assigned to you by the departments educational responsible. (Chemistry: Michael Petersen; Physics: Thomas Ryttov; Pharmacy: Judith Kuntsche)
  2. Work tasks assigned personallyby the Head of Department. (Could be all kinds of tasks like student supervision, outreach, tutorials and many other relevant things)
  3. In some cases outreach coordinator Lilian Skytte has been authorized to assign tasks in connection with FKF and NAT events.
  4. A maximum of 100 hours can be used for external presentations in the form of documented lectures and posters according to section 3.4.1 in the PhD guidelines without prior approval from the Head of Department.

Last Updated 05.04.2024