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AutomationsBoost to help small and medium-sized Danish production companies

New project will provide new automation solutions and digitalization to small and medium-sized enterprises of the region

Vækstforum in the Region of Southern Denmark and the EU Regional Development Fund have granted the project AutomationsBoost with DKK 38 mill to develop new products for automation, which can be broadly employed in Danish small and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs). The project was launched in April of this year and runs until 2019.

High mix, low volume
AutomationsBoost focuses on SMEs with a production characterized by high mix and low volume – HMLV production. In such productions, it is a great challenge to find solutions, which are both adequately flexible and at the same time economically viable. With the project, new automation products will be developed for the SMEs, and several systems integrators and companies will be attached to this effort to offer innovative project proposals. These proposals will be evaluated and approved by the project.

Increased digitalization in Danish production
The project partners consist of Væksthuset in Odense, which is lead partner in cooperation with SDU, Robocluster and the Mads Clausen Institute, as well as Teknologisk Institut, Blue Ocean Robotics, Sønderborg Vækstråd and Udvikling Fyn. The MCI is responsible for the research tasks of the project and as a consequence have initiated the PhD-project “Automation of HMLV “High-Mix Low-Volume production in Danish SMEs”. The PhD-project must aim at increasing the use of automation and new digitalization technologies in Danish SMEs.

A great part of the budget will be spent on developing approx. 10 generic concepts or products. Of the total budget of DKK 38 mill, the budget of the MCI amounts to DKK 3.6 mill. The project came into existence as a result of the previous project AutoSyd, also financed by the EU Regional Development Fund, as well as the sister projects Automation i Syd and Safir, which have joined to create AutomationsBoost.

For further information, contact Associate Professor Arne Bilberg on ph. 6550 1629 or by e-mail

Editing was completed: 17.06.2016