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Villum - Synergy

Deadline - 21st of February, 2024
Amount - 4 mio DKK or 8-12 mio DKK

Phone: + 45 2941 7889
Webpage: Villum Synergy

We wish to strengthen interdisciplinary research in Denmark with a new initiative focusing on the interdisciplinary field of data driven science.

Compelling evidence shows that interdisciplinary research is markedly more effective at leading to ground-breaking results than monodisciplinary research. Digitalization, artificial intelligence and big data calls for new collaborations that combine expertise within computer science with other research areas.

Who can apply?
Projects should involve two PIs (Principal Investigators) that are both affiliated with a Danish research institution.
One should be a methodological expert from computer science, statistics or applied mathematics and the other a domain expert from a field of application that may be broadly chosen (not medicine and clinical research). Co-PIs providing additional required expertise may also be included in the project.
PIs must hold tenure. An applicant can only be PI on one application.

We announce the program every year in open competition. Next call: 
21st of February: Deadline for application  
Medio-late September 2024: Approval or rejection of grant  

Grant amount?
You can apply for initiation project grants on DKK 4 million intended for new collaborations or full project grants on DKK 8-12 million for established collaborations mature enough to benefit from a large grant.
All grant amounts include up to 15% for indirect costs. A total of DKK 50 million is currently allocated for the program.

Time frame
The time frame is up to two years for initiation project grants and three to five years for full project grants.

Approval of grant
The duration will be approx. six months from application to grant.

The application process
Proposals are evaluated on the sole criterion of scientific excellence. The proposals will be assessed by a scientific committee and granted by the board. The process will include peer review and interview for the full project proposals which pass the scientific committee’s first assessment.

Villum Foundation