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Lundbeck - Larger international meetings and conferences

Deadline - Continuously
Amount - 300k DKK

Webpage: Lundbeck - Larger international conferences and meetings

The purpose of the grant is for the Lundbeck Foundation to attract larger international meetings and conferences to Denmark thereby encouraging collaboration and exchange of ideas and resources between Danish researchers and their international peers.
To be eligible for a grant for scientific meetings or conferences it must be:
- International and taking place in Denmark.
- Open for qualified attendees
- Organized by Danish-based researchers affiliated with Danish universities or hospitals or arranged in a close collaboration such Danish partners
- Preferentially in association with a relevant Danish scientific society
The topic for the scientific meeting/conference must be within neuroscience or biomedicine / health sciences. Priority will be given to conferences in the area of brain- and nervous system research.
You can apply for up to DKK 300,000.
