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Novo - Conferences, Symposia and Workshops

Deadline - 4th of April, 2024
Amount - 500K DKK

Webpage: Novo - Conferences, Symposia and Workshops

The objective of the Conferences, Symposia and Workshops programme is to promote knowledge sharing and networking activities. These grants facilitate this by providing leading researchers as well as younger ones and students with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research and innovation activities within their fields. The aim is to support medium-sized events with a duration of 1-3 days typically. The event must be held in Denmark.
The events can be located at hospitals or universities and are organized by the researchers themselves. Typical examples of supported events are scientific conferences, innovation days, or student-organized events, all aiming at promoting knowledge-sharing and networking.
The events for the current call can be held between June  2022 and September 2023.
The programme is biannual, and events held from October 2022 and on may also apply to one of the upcoming calls of the programme.
Events held before June 2022 will not be considered for funding.
The main applicant must be affiliated with a university, hospital or other public research or educational institution in Denmark. The main applicant can be either a researcher at a high international level, a younger researcher, or a student representative for a student organisation, or be engaged in development of STEM teaching. The main applicant cannot be an organization or a professional event organiser. The main applicant is also the lead organiser for the event.
The scientific themes of the event must be within the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s funding areas, i.e. health sciences, life sciences, natural sciences, technical sciences, and technologies and innovation within these, as well as art and art history research, and education and outreach. Event topics concerning sustainability and interdisciplinarity are welcomed.
It is mandatory to have representation of internationally prominent speakers, who must give presentations of at least 30 minutes each within the theme of the event.
One or more poster sessions or similar activities to engage young researchers must be a part of the scientific program, and the event should be publicised widely and be open to the public.
The evaluation of the applications for the Conferences, Symposia and Workshops grant will be based on:
- The applicants’ curriculum vitae and track record, including experience for organizing events
- Theme and purpose of the event and its expected impact for the research environment
- Draft programme
- Planned featured speakers
- Expected interest and participation of research community, and efforts to target and include younger researchers and students in the event
- The combination of conference formats and participants to create an event that is original and has above-average impact
For each grant, funding in the range DKK 50,000-500,000 can be applied for.
If desired, the applicant can request for the possibility to organize the event at the conference facilities at the Novo Nordisk Foundation in Hellerup, Denmark. In this case, each grant can be supplemented by up to DKK 250,000 for practical arrangements. The supplementary grant will be administrated by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.