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Credit transfer and Part time

Credit transfer

When you apply for enrolment in the PhD programme, you can apply for a credit transfer for project-relevant research, relevant work experience following your Master’s degree and/or PhD courses completed before the start of the PhD programme provided that they are not included in the Master’s degree programme. Credit transfer will result in a corresponding reduction of the fellowship period.

Your application for credit transfer is processed by the PhD committee.

Part-time enrolment

The PhD programme is usually organised as a full-time programme, but in certain cases it can be organised as a part-time programme. You must submit a motivated application for part-time enrolment, which the head of the PhD School will then send to the dean.

Please note that a part-time PhD programme is normally restricted to a maximum of 6 years.

The terms for the part-time enrolment are determined in an agreement between the PhD student, the external partner (if applicable) and the PhD School.

Last Updated 15.03.2024