Igangværende projekter
Titel: Ph.d.-studerende: Stine Degn Espersen |
Titel: Perception and characterization of texture and mouthfeel in plant-based foods Ph.d.-studerende: Christina Josefine Birke Rune |
Ph.d.-studerende: Florian Pruckner |
Titel: Ph.d.-studerende: Rashed Husain Farzanah |
Afsluttet projekter
Titel: Synthesis of Novel Building Blocks for Nucleic Acid Nano-scale Engineering Ph.d.-studerende: Asmaa Abdelrahman |
Titel: Microscopic insight to food texture - a cnidarian and cephalopod case study Ph.d.-studerende: Mie Thorborg Pedersen |
Titel: Development of a biogas-based power to methane technology Ph.d.-studerende: Brian Dahl Jønson |
Titel: Imaging Nano-domains in Mammalian Membranes Using Super-Resolution Microscopy and Advanced Analysis Ph.d.-studerende: Jakob Lavrsen Kure |
Titel: Surface modified nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery Ph.d.-studerende: Martine K. Notabi |
Titel: In Situ Raman Analysis of Resorbableand Drug Loaded Implants Ph.d.-studerende: Anders Runge Walther |
Titel: Ph.d.-studerende: Simon Vilms Pedersen |
Ph.d.-studerende: Marina Linova |
Titel: Molecular Interactions of Collagen-binding Proteins Ph.d.-studerende: Morten Mørk Jensen |
Titel: Identification and Development of Novel Strategies to Reduce Formation of Ammonia in Animal Manure Ph.d.-studerende: Jens Jakob Sigurdarson Gade |
Titel: Energy and Environmentally friendly technologies Ph.d.-studerende: Charlotte Rennuit |
Titel: Natural Blue Food Colour (Natural Food Colorant Production and Membrane Separation) Ph.d.-studerende: Maria Cinta Roda-Serrat |