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Courses within Physics, Energy and Engineering Physics

Within the field of physics, energy and engineering physics, we offer tree courses - below, you will find more information about each course.

Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.



Introduction to Nano-optics

This course introduces analytical tools used to model and understand the behaviour of light in atoms and materials that are structured on small scales compared with the free-space optical wavelength. We will review simple concepts of electromagnetism, relating far and near-field microscopy, propagating and evanescent waves, as well as linear and nonlinear response theory based on classical and quantum mechanical approaches. These concepts will then be applied to study light-matter interactions in quantum light emitters and low-dimensional systems, with special emphasis on plasmon- and exciton-polaritons in 2D materials (e.g., graphene or atomically-thin semiconductors) for applications in optical sensing, all-optical transistors, and quantum information technology.

Course description | Teaching mode: Blended | Offered in Odense | Offered by: SDU Nano Optics



Medical Devices and Imaging

In this course you will gain a theoretical understanding and practical experience within medical devices and imaging techniques. There will be lectures in microfluidics including simulation and laboratory exercises where you will design, fabricate and test a microfluidic component. Moreover, you will learn about different medical sensing devices and various imaging techniques.

Course description | Teaching mode: On campus | Offered in Sønderborg | Offered by: MCI Mads Clausen Institute



The Dark Universe and (neural) Networks

Our universe presents us with a tantalizing riddle, namely to understand the structure of its “dark sector”. This sector includes the dark matter, which could be a new particle and/or black holes. The course will provide an introduction to the topic of dark matter as a whole and discuss some candidates.In the second part, the course links to the topic of neural networks, which are becoming powerful tools to tackle deep questions in fundamental physics, including the structure of the dark sector. Finally, networks show up in the fundamental physics of the universe in a different way, namely as a proposal for the deep structure of spacetime itself.This course will link a theoretical overview of some of the most exciting questions in fundamental physics with applications that bridge the gap to computer science and is suitable for students with a range of different backgrounds in physics (both applied and theoretical), computing and mathematics.

Course description | Teaching mode: Online | Offered by: Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy


Last Updated 31.03.2023