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Previous events

 10th of October 2023  How to write papers,
Guest speaker: Thomas Basbøll, CBS
 7th of June 2023 Graphical facilitation,
Guest speaker: Gerd Madsen, learning technology expert, UCL
 26th April 2023  AI-powered tools and academic writing,
Guest speaker: Post. doc. Mushtaq Bilal, The Hans Christian Andersen Centre, SDU
9th February 2023 Research communication – find the stories in your research (hybrid event),
Guest speaker: Anders Høeg Lammers, Forskerzonen
 7th December 2022 How to write papers,
Guest speaker: Thomas Basbøll
 27th October 2022  Social Media for Young Researchers,
Guest speaker: Mike Young
 8th September  2022  Networking,
Guest speaker: Morten Gjøl
 5th May 2022  Imposter Syndrome,
Guest speaker: Ann C. Schødt
 10th March 2022 Surviving the media attention: Shared experiences from a researcher at SDU
Guest speaker: Assistant professor Manuella Lech Cantuaria, SDU Applied AI and Data Science
 2nd December 2021  Writing Process Reengineering,
Guest speaker: Thomas Basbøll, writing consultant
 3rd September 2021 How to handle relations and conflicts as a PhD student.
Guest speaker: Jens Emborg from The Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution (CfK)
 1st June 2021 Virtual PhD Café: Improve your communication skills in the digital/hybrid universe
Guest speaker: Bent Nørgaard
 23th February 2021 Virtual PhD Café: Project management and leadership - Processes and tools vital in working with (PhD) projects.
Guest speaker: Ole Mathorne, PhD student and project management teacher, IOB, SDU and Karna Kühnell Gautier, senior consultant, HR, SDU.
 2nd of December 2020 Virtual PhD Café: The expat experience (and how to survive it)
Guest speaker: Helen Russell,author, speaker and journalist
 7th of October 2020 Virtual PhD Café: How to Create an Efficient Workday Guest speaker: 
Guest speaker: Trine Kolding, Time management expert
 9th of June 2020 Virtual PhD Café: Transform your PhD defense to an online presentation
Guest speakers: Kamilla Jensen Husen, Simon Vilms Pedersen, Cathrine Lundgaard Riis - former PhD students. 
 30th of April 2020 Virtual PhD Café: How to create an efficient work day when working from home
Guest speaker:  Trine Kolding Time expert, external
 15th of April 2020 Virtual PhD Café: Structure in chaotic times
Guest speaker:  Bjarne Lind,  learning consultant
 4th of December 2019 "Writing Process Reengineering"
Guest speaker:Thomas Basbøll, writing consultant
21th of November 2019 Visuel presentation techniques
Guest speaker: Erik S. Dyhr, graphic designer
3rd of October 2019 Research Communication 
Guest speaker: Lone Frank,  journalist and author
 18th of September 2019  Open Science 
Guest speaker: Jon Tennant, visiting fellow
 25th of April 2019 Career devolopment 
Guest speaker: Monika Janfelt, dr.phil., certified coach 
6th of March 2019  Money for Research 
Guest speakers: SDU’s research support units  
5th of December 2018 Writing process reengineering
Guest speaker: Thomas Basbøll, writing consultant, external
 8th of November 2018  How to create an efficient workday 
Guest speaker: Trine Kolding Time expert, external
8th of June 2018 How to produce your own video presentation about your research 
Guest speaker: Karen Løth Sass Journalist, external
 5th of April 2018  How is research funded? Where and how to apply for money for research? And where to get help? 
Guest speaker: Eirikur Benedikz TEK innovation
 2nd of November 2017 How to strengthen your career management skills as a PhD student  
Guest speaker: Monika Janfelt Certified coach, external
 5th of October 2017 Information searching including speed dating with subject specialists 
Guest speaker: Kirstin Remvig  University Library
 4th of May 2017 The Carlsberg Legacy: Research recruitment and career potential 
Guest speaker: Carl Bache PhD school Humanities

Last Updated 19.02.2024