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SDU Praktik- og projektdag

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Vi uddanner diplom- og civilingeniører på SDU. Begge har en lang række erhvervsrettede samarbejdsmuligheder gennem uddannelserne.

De studerende vil efterspørge samarbejde til semesterprojekter, bachelor- og specialeprojekter, in-company project, ingeniørpraktik, afgangsprojekter, studiejobs, jobs til nyuddannede eller erhvervskandidatstilling til uddannelsen i Operations Management eller Software Engineering.  Læs mere her om de forskellige samarbejdsmuligheder med studerende

Du kan møde studerende indenfor følgende uddannelser i Odense:

Diplomingeniører: Bygningsteknik, Elektrisk Energiteknologi, Elektronik, Global  ledelse og design af produktionsnetværk ( tidl. GMM),  Integreret Design, Kemi- og Bioteknologi, Maskinteknik, Produktion, Robotteknologi, Softwareteknologi, 
Civilingeniører: Bygningsteknik, Elektronik, Energisystemer, Fysik og Teknologi, Kemi- og Bioteknologi, Konstruktionsteknik, Maskinteknik, Miljøteknologi, Operations Management, Product Development and Innovation, Robotteknologi, Software Engineering, Spiludvikling og Læringsteknologi,  Sundheds- og Velfærdsteknologi.

Læs  mere  her om vores ingeniøruddannelser.

Se de kommende datoer for afholdelse af SDU Praktik- og projektdag I Odense og Sønderborg


  • Det er gratis for  virksomheder og organisationer at deltage, men vi opkræver et gebyr på 1.000 kr., hvis du er tilmeldt og ikke bruger din stand på dagen.
  • Afholdes fysisk på campus i Odense mellem  kl. 12.00 til 15.00
  • Kapacitet:  ca 100 virksomheder.  Altid tilmelding bliver efter Først-til-mølle-princippet med mulighed for at komme på venteliste.
  • Der deltager ca 1.000 ingeniørstuderende i løbet af eventen. Ingen tilmelding for studerende.

NB! Du kan til enhver tid poste opslag omkring praktik, projekt eller studiejob/jobs til nyuddannede på SDU Jobteaser. Vi har udviklet et sæt vejledninger, som skal gøre det lettere at ramme ingeniørstuderende med den ønskede uddannelse.  Vejledninger kan findes her

For mere information kontakt

Projektkoordinator, Sonja Anna Charlotte Ruhnke:

English version

Læs mere om de virksomheder, du kan møde, i listen herunder:

Vi søger praktikanter, der ikke er bange for at lære! Søger du en udfordrende praktikplads, hvor du kommer godt rundt om byggeriets forskellige faser? • Hos 5E Byg får du ”hands on” på projekterne • Du kommer til at arbejde sammen med nogle af landets dygtigste entreprenører • Dine kollegaer er ikke bange for at give gode råd og sparring, så du står aldrig alene • Du vil blive tilknyttet en specifik byggesag, så du kan følge byggeriets fremdrift • Du får indflydelse på niveauet af udfordringer

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A. Enggaard er en familieejet entreprenør- og byudviklingsvirksomhed, som løser opgaver inden for byggeri, anlæg, Offentlige Private Partnerskaber (OPP) og varetager en lang række andre bygge- og ejendomsrelaterede byudviklingsprojekter i hele landet. A. Enggaard A/S omsætter for 2,7 milliarder kroner om året (2022) og beskæftiger 500 medarbejdere. Virksomheden har hovedkontor i Svenstrup ved Aalborg samt afdelinger i Aarhus, Odense og København. Vi har et uformelt arbejdsmiljø med arbejdsomhed og holdånd i højsædet, hvor vi altid løfter i flok for at skabe meningsfulde resultater. Sammenhold er derfor en vigtig del af virksomhedens DNA, hvor vi værdsætter det sociale fællesskab og viser omsorg for hinanden.

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Take your next career step at ABB with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future.  At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences.

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Vi er et team af Arkitekter & Ingeniører, der løser klimaudfordringer og urbanisering med grønnere byggeri. Vi tror på, at grønnere byggeri er drevet af bæredygtig økonomi. Derfor optimerer vi arealer og bygninger, hvor vi omsætter de grønne effekter til økonomiske indtægter.

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We deliver cutting-edge flight planning and tracking software solutions to the global aviation industry. We’re proud to have a team who is enthusiastic about learning, and we want to support this so every employee has access to professional development opportunities.

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Join AirPlate, a Drone Startup founded by two former SDU Robotics students. With an international team of 8 people, we specialise in software and electronics for drones, and are developing a "license plate" for drones. We offer tasks within: C++ programming React, Typescript, JavaScript & HTTPS RestAPI Hardware design and 3D printing. This is your chance to gain hands-on experience in a growing tech field and learn about running a startup. Interested? Be part of our team.

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Har du interesse for projektledelse og teknisk ventilation? Er du nysgerrig på at finde ud af, hvordan et projekt på tegnebrættet bliver til en realitet på byggepladsen? I airteam er vi på udkik efter praktikanter, der ønsker at prøve deres kompetencer af som projektleder. Hos airteam får du rig mulighed for at styrke din faglige værktøjskasse og arbejde med et bredt udvalg af opgaver. Du vil få et unikt indblik i entreprenørverdenen.

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Are you looking for an internship where you get influence and responsibility? As a intern at Aasleff Rail, you will be assigned to a project. You will have a broad network of contacts because you will both support and coordinate with colleagues on the projects and in the office. Your tasks will include: - Management of personnel and machinery - Assisting with the procurement of materials - Daily planning and coordination - Management of production and subcontractors - Safety inspections

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Every day, we get opportunities to make a positive impact – on our colleagues, partners, customers and society. Together, we’re pioneering the solutions of the future and unlocking the full potential of precious resources. Trusted to act on initiative, we challenge conventional thinking to develop world-leading technologies that inspire progress in vital areas, including energy, food, water and shipping.

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Faglighed og fællesskab har altid været vores DNA. Det afspejler sig i alt, hvad Arkil foretager sig. Og det bliver det ved med. Arkil er drevet ud fra værdier om at tage ansvar for opgaverne, menneskene og miljøet. Vi motiveres af at sikre arbejdsglæde og fællesskab hos vores medarbejdere, at skabe plads til alle og samtidig levere et solidt produkt til vores kunder – hver gang. Det er vores fundame

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Amfitech a Danish development company, founded in 1999. Our core business is electronics and embedded software development within the consultancy business. Further, Amfitech has developed a state-of-the-art EMF tracking system called AmfiTrack, with a global customer base. We are passionate about embedded software and solutions - we push the limit of the known solutions, on our journey to develop the future’s electronics and technology solutions.

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Are you interested in sustainability and AI? ARIS Robotics is on a mission to create a world without waste. We do this by building scalable and automated solutions for waste sorting using Deep Learning. Our solutions help prolong the lifespan of materials and reduce the need for extracting raw materials from a finite planet. Are you interested in helping us with our mission 👉 stop by our booth for a chat.


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We are an innovative automation company with more than 4,000 employees in more than 80 countries, which places us among the world’s largest innovative companies in the field. Our control, servo and robot solutions, as well as our industrial PCs and visualization systems, set new standards in industrial automation. Our student workers are ready to welcome you at our stand and to share their own experiences. Because who is better to talk to students than the students themselves?

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Vær med til noget stort. I Banedanmark skaber vi forudsætningen for, at hundredtusindvis af danskere hver dag kan tage toget, og transport af mange tusind tons gods. Lige nu bygger vi en helt ny attraktiv, grøn jernbane, mens vi holder den gamle kørende. Vi sætter strøm til banen, så der kan køre klimavenlige tog. Vi indsætter nye, digitale signalsystemer og bygger en højhastighedsbane til Europa. Og vi styrer togtrafikken og informerer om den på stationernes skærme og højtalere.

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Hos Bankdata har vi jævnligt studerende fra videregående uddannelser i praktik som en del af deres uddannelse. Diplomingeniører har lønnet praktik, og øvrige praktikanter får et vederlag. Vi definerer en opgave sammen i relation til din studieretning så det matcher kvalifikationer og kompetencer. Vi forventer, at du er fagligt velfunderet, flittig og god til at samarbejde. Du kan blive tilknyttet et bestemt projekt eller et relevant team.

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WE ARE THE LEADING COMPANY WHEN IT COMES TO QUALITY, ENVIRONMENT, WORK ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Bureau Veritas is one of the world’s largest companies within inspection, classification, consulting and certification. Our core competencies are quality, environment, work environment, safety and social responsibility, where we help to maintain and develop their brands, values and business. In Denmark, we are currently 210 employees, distributed between three offices.

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Cabinplant is a leading global provider of tailor-made processing solutions for the food industry. Our equipment can e.g., weigh vegetables, cook shrimps and mackerels, wash strawberries, put filling on a pizza, marinate chicken or make spring rolls – all of which is done automatically.

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Coop Logistik er en vital del Coop Danmark og står for levering af varer til over 900 butikker hver uge. I Odense ligger Coop's distribution center ODC som er rivende udvikling. Derfor søger vi ingeniører til diverse projekter til forbedring af vores produktion generelle supply chain. 


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🌍🏗️ Opdag COWI - Skab din fremtid med en førende rådgivende ingeniørvirksomhed! 🌱💡

Er du studerende og søger praktikplads, et sted at skrive afgangsprojekt eller er du nyuddannet og interesseret i en spændende karriere som rådgivende ingenir?

Så tilbyder COWI en unik mulighed for at udforske en global virksomhed, der arbejder med innovative og bæredygtige løsninger i forbindelse med infrastruktur, anlægskonstruktioner, byggeri, industri, miljø, vand og meget mere.

COWI er en anerkendt rådgivervirksomhed og søger talenter som dig til at blive en del af vores team.

Vil du høre mere så besøge vores stand på SDU's projekt- og praktikmesse for at lære mere om COWI som virksomhed og de spændende karrieremuligheder, vi kan tilbyde.

Hvorfor vælge COWI?

🌍 Bæredygtighed: Hos COWI er vi passionerede omkring bæredygtighed og arbejder på projekter, der gør en forskel i verden. Vi fokuserer på klimatilpasning, miljøbeskyttelse og sociale initiativer for at skabe en mere bæredygtig fremtid.

🏗️ Stor mangfoldighed af projekter: Vi er involveret i projekter over hele verden, fra store infrastrukturarbejder til banebrydende bygningsdesign. Hos COWI vil du blive udfordret og have muligheden for at arbejde på spændende og varierende opgaver.

💡 Innovation og teknologi: COWI er kendt for sin innovative tilgang og evne til at integrere avancerede teknologiske løsninger i vores projekter. Arbejd med droneflyvning, virtuel virkelighed, kunstig intelligens og andre spændende teknologier, som er afgørende for vores succes.

📚 Personlig og faglig udvikling: Vi investerer i vores medarbejderes udvikling gennem interne træningsprogrammer og muligheder for udstationering på internationale projekter. Hos COWI vil du fortsat lære, udfordre dig selv og vokse både personligt og fagligt.

🌱 Virksomhedskultur: Hos COWI værner vi om en åben og innovativ virksomhedskultur, hvor samarbejde og faglig dygtighed er i højsædet. Brug dine evner til at tænke kreativt og finde innovative løsninger sammen med et team af dygtige og erfarne eksperter.

🔎 Besøg vores stand: Besøg vores stand på projekt- og praktikdag for at få mere indsigt i, hvad det vil sige at arbejde hos COWI. Få en personlig samtale med vores medarbejdere, bliv inspireret af vores projekteksempler og få en fornemmelse af vores virksomhedskultur.

Vi glæder os til at møde dig på SDU's projekt- og praktikdag og dele mere om, hvordan COWI kan være din vej til en spændende og meningsfuld karriere. Tilslut dig vores team, og lad os sammen skabe en bedre fremtid gennem bæredygtige løsninger! 🌍🏗️💡🌱

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Electronics, mechanics, and software – R&D from idea to finished product! Circle is a leader in development of HW, SW, AI, PCB layout, mech. design, EMC, and environmental testing - and project management. We have the most skilled employees in the industry, are tech leaders and have an innovative and methodical approach to the solutions - based on robust standards and processes. We supply manpower with the right skills whenever needed. We follow trends in the market and test new technologies.

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Are your sights set on being challenged and using your education on a vast array of demanding prestige projects and exciting construction projects? As a CRH employee, you will leave your mark on plenty of constructions projects across the country. Marks that will remain for many years to come. CRH is an attractive workplace in constant development. We leave positive footprints in the construction industry by staying true to our core values: Integrity, honesty, and respect for legislation.

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Talents wanted for two EU sponsored maritime data/control system projects Together with SDU, Dacoma developed a new type of marine vessel stabilizer that uses an adaptive control system based on elements of machine learning. In the framework of the projects MACORSAT and SAFEMARVEL we will develop remote monitoring/control of sensor systems using data reduction and secure connectivity based on AIS2.0 and a high- performance, safety-critical learning-based controller. Interested? Visit our stand!

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We engineer tomorrow to build a better future. With leading application know-how, and sustainable innovation, we set out to become our customers’ preferred decarbonization partner, with a focus on long-term value creation for our customers and employees.

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At Danish Graphene we produce functionalised graphene that is easily customised for your specific application and product. Our materials are produced with a unique method that allows us to incorporate various chemical handles on the graphene. This surface modification makes it easier to interact with the graphene.

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Dines Jørgensen &Co. A/S har siden 1949 leveret specialiseret og professionel rådgivning inden for bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Både under projektering og udførelse af opgaven gør vi os umage med at afsætte de nødvendige medarbejderressourcer. Vi forsøger altid ved løbende koordinering at være fleksible og i stand til at løse de hastesager, der er nødvendige. I anlægsafdelingen i Dines Jørgensen og Co. A/S beskæftiger vi os med en bred vifte af anlægsopgaver her i blandt vej- og stianlæg, Kloakanlæg.

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Dinex is a global manufacturer of exhaust emission systems. From the headquarters in Middelfart innovative exhaust emission solutions are developed and tested for current and future emission norms. Using state-of-art simulation tools, products are realized by an experienced R&D team and brought to the test in the Dinex Test Center, where both emissions and durability testing is performed. 

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DIS/CREADIS uses business insights and passion for technology to give our customers a competitive edge. Since our foundation in 1997, we have been driven by a desire to find new and better solutions to technical challenges – and to share our experiences and business innovation with customers across a wide variety of industries. We are skilled Engineers working in a broad variety of areas.

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DJ Miljø & Geoteknik employs approx. 45 employees. We have 20 years of experience in solving environmental and geotechnical problems. As a medium-sized consulting company, we can guarantee effective and safe dialogue and short communication paths, without compromising on quality. In addition, we strive to ensure that our advisers possess the latest skills and that our equipment is up-to-date.

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Conpleks Innovation is a dynamic workplace. We have a short line of command, which makes us flexible and creative. We center ourselves in teams within software, cloud, hardware and mechanics and overlap depending on projects and tasks. In terms of software, we also work agile and in sprints of two weeks duration. 

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EFFIMAT is a leader in vertical picking and storage solutions and helps you to maximise your existing storage space. The modular solution can be developed and adapted, again and again. With EFFIMAT, uptime is maximum – while the need for manpower and storage space is reduced. With a built-in intelligent online service system, you always have an overview of status and flow – and thus maintain production flow and agility. EFFIMAT is a boost to your efficiency and to your business.

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At Enemærke & Petersen you will join one of our teams where you will tackle your own construction-related tasks with plenty of help and support from your colleagues. Your internship begins with a training plan based on your goals. This is followed by a introductory program where you will meet your fellow interns and be introduced to us as a company and our working methods. You will experience a relaxed and friendly atmosphere both on-site and in the office, with colleagues who enjoy their work.

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Vores arbejdsopgaver er blandt samfundets allervigtigste opgaver lige nu. Vi skal skabe et sammenhængende energisystem, som er 100 % bæredygtigt for at redde klimaet. Den opgave har ingen løst før. Derfor er globalt udsyn, samarbejde og konstant nytænkning af vores tekniske og digitale løsninger en essentiel del af vores dagligdag.

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Innovative company with a main focus within the automation of hospitals. We deliver and produce some of the leading automation solutions on the market, and always adapt them to the customers We design, build and program all our own equipment from the headquarters in Odense SØ. At Gibotech, you will have the opportunity to develop new machines with high complexity. You get your own tasks with a mentor always available for support.

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Danish robotic company - primary for palletizing.

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SIMA INNOVATION is at the forefront of defense technology! We deliver innovative, high-quality solutions for military vehicles, enhancing operational capability and personal security. Our esteemed clients include The Danish Army, Renault, and top OEMs worldwide. Since 2006, we’ve pioneered Lightweight Motorized Ringmounts, first delivered to the Danish Army in Afghanistan in 2007. We continue to innovate, ensuring soldiers’ safety and efficiency in challenging conditions.

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Støtek makes customizable solutions for the global aluminum casting industry. Our range of furnaces is designed and manufactured to meet the unique demands and standards of the automotive industry. We strive to become the preferred partner of energy and process-efficient aluminum delivery technologies and the go-to company for complex structural aluminum parts for the automotive industry.

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Sikker datakommunikation for kritisk infrastruktur. EURISCO arbejder med teknologier for sikker datakommunikation af decentrale energianlæg - og det kræver specialister, så kom og høre mere om fremtidens energisystem.

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EXHAUSTO- innovativaktør indenfor pålidelige og bæredygtige ventilationsløsninger Som en del af den franske gruppe Aldes, er EXHAUSTO førende inden for ventilation, filtrering og termisk komfort. Vi arbejder for at designe det bedste indeklima via integrerede løsninger, der sikrer sundhed og komfort gennem optimalt indeklima samt kontrol af bygningers energiforbrug på en bæredygtig måde. Vi baserer vores strategi og vækst på vores evne til at tilbyde globale, innovative løsninger, som performer

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Eltronic A/S is a project and engineering company with more than 24 years of experience within automation. An internship offers great learning opportunities with challenging tasks solved in collaboration with competent colleagues. We provide strong technical knowledge and the latest technologies within the industry at your disposal. We offer internship opportunities in areas such as Automation, Robot and Vision Technology, Manufacturing IT (Software), and Mechanical Design.

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Do you want to be at the forefront when it comes to the development of the future heating solutions? We develop a modern and future-proof solution, which is based on tomorrow's sustainable forms of energy. This creates many opportunities for an exciting career with us, whether you are a world champion in green engineering, IT architecture, production, software development or perhaps something else entirely. Professional pride is paramount, and we want to be at the forefront. Will you?

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FJ Industries is a Danish production company established in 1943 and situated in Ferritslev close to Odense. Besides our headquarters in Denmark we have production sites in Sweden and China. We manufacture components in powder metal and casted/machined products which we sell to automotive, medical and many other industrial customers all around the world. We tailor make the solution for each individual project. We are IATF 16949 certified. 

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We are Rethinking Recycling and leading the way towards a revolution of materials. Solving problems is in our DNA and our mission is to remove hazardous substances from circu­lation and transform waste streams back to essential sustainable raw materials. Our role is to find solutions for our customers’ environ­mental and waste challenges to enable circu­larity of materials. 

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I FTZ brænder vi for at udfordre, tænke nyt og gøre en forskel for vores kunder. Vores passion er vores brændstof og er afgørende for, at vi kan holde Danmark kørende. Vi søger en studerende til et praktikforløb fra februar 2024 i vores Supply Chain afdeling i vores hovedkontor i Odense/Rørup. Hovedopgaven for praktikperioden i FTZ vil være at analysere og varetage projektforløb omkring vare flowet i værdikæden. I praktikperioden skal du være tilknyttet i Supply Chain og Procurement afd.

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Glova Rail A/S beskæftiger IT & Elektronik ingeniører samt maskiningeniører for design og udvikling af egne styringer, udvikling af SW, komponenter og produkter til togtoiletter. Glova Rail har egen montage, indkøb og lager i Odense Syd - tæt på Odense Letbane 

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Gram Equipment is a key player in this process and the world´s leading manufacturer of advanced equipment and process plants for industrial ice cream production. Our corporate language is English and we employ both Intern, Student Workers, Project collaboration and postgraduates specifically within Mechanical, Automation and Business Engineering!

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Hos Skjøde gør vi gode byggerier endnu bedre. Og det samme stræber vi at gøre med vores medarbejdere. Som projektorienteret og udviklende entreprenør er Skjøde en virksomhed i konstant udvikling. Derfor leder vi altid efter dygtige medarbejdere, der kan gøre os endnu bedre, og som har lyst til at være en del af branchens stærkeste team.

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Helix Lab
Helix Lab is a first-rate knowledge center in Kalundborg strengthening collaboration between industry and research. It supports and accelerates the translation of new academic research into specific solutions that will drive industry 4.0 and the green transformation in the industry. Danish and international MSc students enrolled at Danish universities have the opportunity to do their master thesis project work in collaboration with the Kalundborg industry with free housing during.

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Kom og mød Hesehus – Danmarks førende e-handelshus - på SDU! Er du studerende inden for Software Engineering og brænder for at omdanne teori til praksis? Så er Hesehus' stand stedet for dig! Du får chancen for at arbejde med Bizzkit, en førende softwareplatform, og blive del af et team fyldt med ekspertise inden for udvikling, UX og digital design. Besøg vores stand, og få en snak om hvad vi kan gøre for din udviking og karriere.


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At HYDAC, we do things differently … Imagine a company characterized by desire, courage, foresight and a strong culture. Imagine a company drive by innovation, change and development. Imagine a company where there is no leaders or management that decides what to do. Imagine a company where the workspace is designed for creation and innovation. Imagine a company that works for a better world of tomorrow. Imagine a company that prepares graduates to future company demands. Imagine...

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Innovation Fund Denmark invests in entreprenurs and Industrial researchers. Innofounder is a 12-month full-time course for entrepreneurs with a higher education. The purpose is to accelerate the development of innovative entrepreneurial ideas from the early stages to a stage where the company becomes financially sustainable. Industrial Researcher is for Industrial PhD and -postdoctoral projects. The candidate is employed in a private company and enrolled at a public research institution.

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Jorgensen develops and manufactures complete handling solutions for processing professionals across the Dairy, Food, Pet Food, Healthcare, and Electric Vehicle Batteries (EV) industries worldwide. We are experts in high-speed lines, automation, robotic handling solutions, and system integration. Jorgensen employs highly skilled mechanical engineers, robotics engineers, and automation engineers, among others, and customizes our handling solutions according to customers' needs. Jorgensen offers de

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Mechanical engineering – and production! The KAMI GROUP has an engineering department and in-house steel production with maching and welding. This combination allows you to work with mechanical engineering and production. As an intern you will get to work with 3D modeling and calculation / documentation, optimization and technological processes. You will in general learn a lot about engineering, materials (aluminium, stainless and mild steel) and manufacturing. Read about us here:
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Scale your marketing like never before Meet the next-gen DAM with KeyShot Dock. Manage and perfect assets with AI and seamless collaboration. Create inspiring global campaigns from a single source of truth.
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At Kirkholm Mechanical Engineers, internships are built on trust. You expect something from us, and we expect something from you. Internships are about real-world experience. Do you want to try calculation, construction, project management, customer and supplier contact, and your own projects? Are you ready to explain to a customer via Teams, phone, or face-to-face? Do you value professionalism, job satisfaction, and flexibility? If yes, stop by our stand – we look forward to meeting you!

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At Kirk Larsen & Ascanius, we are working to innovate and rethink the legal industry through new legal solutions. Our main focus is on creating AI solutions that help revolutionize legal work and improve quality, while also delivering savings for our clients. We are a new department with a young team, operating with an entrepreneurial mindset where there is great freedom under personal responsibility, and where there is room for even the biggest ideas.

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Kjærulf Pedersen a/s is one of the leading producers of industrial sensors, with production units in both Europe and Asia. The product portfolio includes sensors for measuring temperature, humidity, CO2, O2, level, and vibrations. The strategic focus has always been on expansion and business development through an extraordinary emphasis on understanding the business and technical requirements of customers in all situations.

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At KPMG, we use our extraordinary insights to inspire confidence and empower people, clients and society to set a course for real change and lead the way forward. We trust in the remarkable capacity of human beings to challenge the status quo, and we strive to do so every day by putting technology at the forefront of everything we do. With more than 1.100 employees and partners, we deliver innovative and technology-driven services that surpass our clients' goals. Our diverse people work together.

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Kverneland Group is a leading international company. Productivity, efficiency, and sustainability are 3 important principles in today's agriculture, driving us every day to continuously develop our Agricultural Implement Technology. Kverneland Group offers an innovative range of soil and seeding equipment, forage and bale equipment, spreading, spraying, electronic solutions and digital farm services for agricultural tractors and implements.

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Leica Geosystems Machine Control provide durable, high-quality products in a comprehensive end-to-end service. We research, develop, refine, and maintain a wide range of best-in-class soft- and hardware solutions – all focused on creating tomorrow’s digital tools for the automation of heavy construction industry. Located in Odense, our HQ is bussing with passionate people all applying their unique knowledge and skills.

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Improving lives isn't just our job—it can be yours too! At LINAK®, we create electric linear actuator solutions that drive innovation. We are a value-driven company that focuses on having an inspiring work-life, open minds, positive attitudes, and to be a spacious sandpit for testing new ideas. Are you looking for an internship or a thesis project? Come by our stand and hear about the possibilities within production, electronics, mechanics, software, Business development and much more!

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Interested in a career where engineering meets innovation? Join Makin, a Scandinavian leader in machine control for the heavy construction industry. We're agile, customer-focused, and committed to fast-paced tech development. Specializing in GNSS, cloud, sensors, and cutting-edge software, your success is our success—it's in our DNA. As a young, vibrant company, we value skill, innovation, and the drive to make things happen. Work on real-world projects, get hands-on with advanced tech, and grow

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Melsing udvikler, projekterer og leverer en bred vifte af high-end ingeniørydelser til nationale og internationale kunder. Beregningsdokumentation og FEA analyser er blandt spidskompetencerne, men uanset opgavetypen er vores stærke ingeniørteam garant for konstruktiv sparring, individuelle betragtninger og gennemtænkte løsninger. Vi beskæftiger os inden for brancheområderne vind, olie & gas, byggeri, raffinaderier, fødevarer & biotek og industri.

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Meneta is a global supplier of high-quality brake components for the automotive industry since 1953. At the Internship and Project Day, we are looking to engage in collaboration with ambitious and skilled students for our development, production, and environmental branch. We offer projects within polymer chemistry, acoustics and continuum mechanics, optics, process optimization, life cycle analysis, etc. Come and have a chat with us to discuss your project opportunities.

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Micro Matic is the global market leader in the supply of keg couplers, keg spears and dispensing solutions to the brewing industry. With an innovative mindset, a clear investment strategy and visionary leadership Micro Matic has pioneered industry-leading draft beer products and services since 1953 and are today active worldwide. If you are interested in applying your skills in a company context we are happy to discuss both project collaboration, internships, and bachelor- /master projects.

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Unleash your engineering genius! Micro Technic develops & manufactures industrial electronics - hardware, firmware & software - all under one roof. Intern with us & gain hands-on experience across the entire product lifecycle. Develop solutions for diverse industries & discover how IoT is part of a smarter tomorrow.

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Morningtrain er et digitalt udviklingshus med over 10 års erfaring og 45 specialister fordelt på vores kontorer i Odense og København. Vi designer, bygger og supporterer moderne websites, webshops og webapplikationer for mellemstore og store B2B-virksomheder. Alt dette gør vi med robuste teknologier som PHP, Laravel, React og NextJS. Lyder det spændende? Kom forbi og sig hej – vi glæder os til at møde dig!

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For the start of each new semester, Munck is looking for a number of ambitious and curious engineertrainees who are passionate about testing theory in practice and challenging themselves with project management and great responsibility. Munck has departments and projects all over the country. Right now we have construction maturation projects, construction of a new container terminal and renovation of infrastructure. The order book is growing steadily.

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Headquartered in Odense, Nature Energy is European market leader in the development, design, construction, and operation of large, industrialized biogas plants, pioneering a sustainable future by turning waste into value. Nature Energy owns and operates 14 biogas plants in Europe and is launching new biogas projects in Europe, the US, and Canada – We want to build a sustainable future for our people and our planet.

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NCC er en af de største entreprenører i Norden. Vi udfører renoveringsopgaver, anlægsprojekter, asfaltarbejde og nybyggeri, og så har vi interne funktioner, der beskæftiger sig med fx projektering, digitalisering, ressourceforvaltning og klimapåvirkning. Vi søger dig, der vil være med til at forme byggeriets fremtid. Din lyst til at lære, hvordan man styrer komplekse byggeprocesser, er lige så vigtig som dine samarbejdsevner. For i NCC bygger vi sammen!

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Netcompany er den hurtigst voksende IT-servicevirksomhed i Nordeuropa. I dag er vi en international virksomhed, der går forrest med digitalisering, bygger moderne IT-løsninger og introducerer avanceret brug af teknologi til store globale kunder. Vi søger IT-diplomingeniører til praktikforløb til vores Application Services, der ønsker at gøre en forskel for vores mange kunder. Du vil derfor få rig mulighed for at afprøve forskellige teknologier og udvikle dine IT-færdigheder.

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 Industry leading, high-quality weighing, packing and sorting machinery Newtec is a leading manufacturer of weighing, packing and sorting machinery for the fruit and vegetable industry. We’re passionate about helping our customers optimize their production and solving their business challenges with our innovative solutions. We therefore want to create an inspiring and supportive environment to continuously attract and retain talented people with resourceful and innovative mindsets.

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Niras' rådgivning spænder bredt fra miljøoprensning af jord, over procesanlæg til bryggerier, til projektering af det nye Dalum Papirfabrik og meget mere. Fagligt er mulighederne mange, og du styrer selv hvor vidt det skal gå. Muligheden for at skabe sin egen vej i branchen og i firmaet kommer gennem den flade struktur, som giver plads til hver enkelt medarbejder. Udover faglighed er Niras bygget på et stærkt fundament af socialt sammenhold, som gør dagene sjovere og relationen til kollegaerne s

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NNE stands for Novo Nordisk Engineering. As an engineering consultancy, we build some of the largest pharmaceutical facilities in the world. And it all comes down to our people and work culture. When joining NNE, you join a culture focused on collaboration, shared knowledge and teamwork. Because no matter the project size, no matter our backgrounds – it is the bonds we form across teams that ensure medicine is produced for millions of patients worldwide.

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Udvikling af robot udstyr til AMR.

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Shall we work together to create good energy? We are always looking for new, talented colleagues who wants to be the best in their field and who wish to be part of a community where we challenge and develop each other. We are one of the leading energy consulting companies in Denmark, and we leading the way with new ideas and initiatives. Therefore, as an employee, you can be sure of two things: your opinions and suggestions will be heard.

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In Novo Nordisk Kalunborg, our 4,500 employees produce half of the world’s insulin and a number of biopharmaceutical products. Together, we make a difference every day for more than 40 million people living with diabetes and other chronic diseases. From 2022-2029 we will invest 60 billion DKK to expand existing facilities in Kalundborg, for the current and future portfolio within serious chronic diseases. With the investment, more than 1250 new jobs will be created

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Odense Port is one of Europe’s leading production ports within offshore wind, and as we carry out the political plans for the massive expansion of offshore wind power in the EU, we have become an essential key facilitator for the green transition. We encompass all the necessary capabilities to support the value chain in the production and installation of offshore wind. It is a fantastic workplace. Here you’ll meet many different people with different professional skills.

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Odense Robotics er Danmarks nationale robot-, automation- og droneklynge. Klyngens vision og mission spiller en central rolle i at fremskynde innovation og drive bæredygtig udvikling blandt danske robot, drone og automationsvirksomheder. Robotic Careers er Danmarks førende jobportal inden for robot, automation og droner. Her har vi samlet alle ledige stillinger i industrien ét sted! Find dit fremtidige studiejob eller praktikplads inden for industrien her, og upload dit CV.

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We are the premium maritime consulting firm in Europe. At OMT we strive to deliver maritime footprints in the countries we operate in. Working with OMT means working with people who know how to connect national shipbuilding strategies with actual ship design, construction and service operations. We have the experience and competences to find the solutions that work in practice and not just on paper. Our scope and expertise areas cover the life cycle of the ship.

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Alle gode digitale løsninger er nemme at gå til. Alligevel er verden fyldt med løsninger, der er svære at forstå, svære at navigere i – og som holder din forretning tilbage. I Pentia hjælper vi dig med at blive let tilgængelig for dem, der er vigtige for dig: kunder, brugere, borgere. Vi forener strategi, experience og teknologi. Og bygger bro mellem dine strategiske ambitioner, brugernes oplevelser og din forretnings resultater. Kort fortalt gør vi det nemt. For dig og for dine brugere.

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Lige nu er Aarsleff involveret i nogle af Danmarks mest spændende projekter. Vi er med til at udføre verdens længste sænketunnel på Femern-projektet og både i Aarhus og København er det Aarsleff-medarbejdere, som har udført de højeste boligtårne. Vi fascineres af store, små og enestående projekter, som giver mening - både for os og for samfundet. Vi tager ansvar og bidrager til den grønne omstilling, som skal fremtidssikre bygge- og anlægsbranchen. Sådan sætter vi vores præg. Vil du være med?

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Rambøll er en global arkitekt-, ingeniør- og rådgivningsvirksomhed, der leverer ekspertise og bæredygtige løsninger til kunder og partnere. Rambøll blev grundlagt i Danmark i 1945 og har i dag aktiviteter i 35 lande. Vi kombinerer dyb, lokal indsigt og erfaring med en global vidensbase for at skabe bæredygtige samfund og positive forandringer for vores kunder.

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RobSub is a start-up company that develops a robotic solution for the maintenance and repair of utility pipes. The solution is based on a UR16e robot arm with special designed end-of-arm tools. RobSub collaborates with industry partners such as HOFOR, VandCenter Syd, and Aarhus Vand.

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We work on a collaborative painting robot for finishing tasks in interior construction and renovation. The robot works alongside painters, boosting productivity, reducing physical strain, and tackles the growing labour shortage. We focus on ease-of-use with a plug-and-play design for increased mobility and flexibility.

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ROPCA has created the worlds first automatic robotic ultrasound scanning device for detection of Rheumatoid Arthritis and we are looking for dedicated communicators to support our growth. We are a small, dedicated team of medical, software, robotic, mechanical and business professionals and you will play a crucial part in our setup. We are developing innovative medical devices and decision support systems to support clinicians in their daily work. 

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SH Group er én af landets største (+400 ansatte) og førende producenter af hydraulike og mekaniske spil, A-rammer og specialmaskiner til vind-, offshore og forsvarsindustrien. Hvert projekt og hver ordre er speciel, og du vil derfor få en hverdag med stor afveksling, og hvor fokus altid er på at gøre det umulige muligt via innovative idéer, hvor der nødvendigvis ikke findes løsninger i dag.

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SKAKO Concrete is a professional and experienced business partner specializing in the design, development, supply, installation, and marketing of complete plants for concrete production. SKAKO Concrete’s main purpose is to develop solutions adapted to future requirements, meeting our customers’ individual needs by engineering solutions. We do everything from constructiondesign of static structures to development of mixing and proportioning equipment along electrical control and automation.

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Schneider Electric is a global industry leader at the forefront of energy management and automation. We drive innovation and sustainability across homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries. We drive the green transition on a global scale. We believe in the power of great people. Schneider Electric operates a few highly specialized R&D centers around the world. One of these R&D centers is located in Kolding. Come by for a talk about careers at Schneider Electric!

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Spæncom have set the standard in Danish precast concrete construction for 75 years, and we continue to do so. From the initial phase to the completed construction. From traditional buildings to innovative concepts. We challenge the conventional because we can and because we know what we are talking about. This always ensures the optimal solution. Together with the customer, we manage every construction project to realize its full potential. It is our concrete pioneers who are building Denmark.

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Begin your career with us and help make a difference in some of the most critical sectors of society. We offer exciting opportunities with real impact and lots of professional growth. Each year, we welcome more than 50 interns, student workers, and newly graduated talents across our worldwide locations.

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Besøg Sund & Bælts stand på projekt- og praktikdagen og få indsigt i vores omfattende arbejdsområder. Vi arbejder med ikoniske infrastrukturprojekter som Storebæltsbroen, Øresundsbroen og Femern Bælt-forbindelsen. Lær om vores værdikæde fra planlægning og finansiering til drift og vedligeholdelse. Vi fortæller gerne om hvordan hvordan vi anvender avanceret teknologi og bæredygtige løsninger for at sikre effektiv mobilitet og samfundsmæssig vækst.

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Velkommen til studerende fra SDU - jeres engagement og energi smitter af. Guldfeldt Gruppen udfører bygge- og serviceopgaver i alle entrepriseformer som privatejet entreprenørvirksomhed. Vi har kontor i Odense og vores kerneværdier er kvalitet og ordholdenhed. Vi vil være innovative inden for nye måder at udføre byggeri og drive forretning på og tæller 320 ansatte. Vores historiske rødder går helt tilbage til 1938 (S.Guldfeldt Nielsen A/S) og til 1888 (HANS JØRGENSEN & SØN Entreprenører A/S).

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Spændende opgaver i vores entreprise og støjskærmsafdelinger I Saferoad Traffic arbejder vi med sikkerhed på vejene: skilte, autoværn, afspærring og støjskærme. Vi tilbyder lønnet praktik, hvor I vil være med i hele vores arbejde - fra første udbud til overlevering af projektet. I vil få en grundig oplæring, og med tiden få lov til at prøve kræfter af mere og mere selvstændigt. Vi har kontor på Hvidkærvej 33 i Odense SV, hvor der er let adgang til kontoret i bil, bus og på cykel.

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Skanstec is a specialist engineering company in the Energy & Telecommunications Sectors, we design, build and commission critical infrastructure in Power Grids & Communication Networks. We are a single-source solution to the end client by having the capability to deliver and manage the full life cycle of a project in both sectors.

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Link to company LinkedIn profile - The simple way of optimising your production and energy production. Our data collectors are called Trendlog Collect, and they can be retrofitted easily onto any type of production line or machine in the factory to start collecting data. Trendlog Collect automatically stores the data securely in the Trendlog Cloud, to be accessed from the subscription based web platform,, via phone, PC or any other smart devices.

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Vil du være en del af virksomhed som har mere fart på en gazelle på rulleskøjter og hvor der er højt til loftet i forhold til at få luft for sine gode ideer - så kan det være Unicontrol er din næste arbejdsplads. Vi har en uformel og international kultur, som udformes af ca. 60 medarbejdere, hvor størstedelen sidder på vores hovedkontor i Odense. Vi udvikler topmoderne og brugervenlige software til maskinstyring og landmåling for at gøre gravearbejdet lettere. 

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DTI - Danish Technologycal Institute - is a self-owned company that help companies developng af using new techologies.

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Just imagine building your dream career at the LEGO group ! As a company we take play seriously because it energizes, encourages creativity, and brings people together. We have an energetic and positive atmosphere where fun builds stronger relationships and teams. Where our colleagues enjoy their work and stay open to creativity and different ways of doing things. So, get ready to play with ideas, products, and colleagues. Let’s inspiring and develop the builders of tomorrow!

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TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and LNG, new low-carbon energies, electricity and renewables. With operations in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to people’s well-being. Our nearly 100,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible.

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TREFOR El-net har ansvaret for at udbygge og vedligeholde elnettet i forsyningsområdet, så ca. 137.000 husstande hver dag kan være sikre på at have strøm i stikkontakten. TREFOR El-net befinder sig i den bedste tredjedel, når det drejer sig om at vurdere effektiviteten. TREFOR El-Net Øst er el-distributør på Bornholm. Det betyder, at vi sørger for, at strømmen når alle ender af øen. Vi har ansvaret for forsyningssikkerhed og en række offentlige forpligtelser, herunder opkrævning af energiafgift

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27 nationalities and a huge community that helps build Umbraco makes us a unique place to work. Our product Umbraco is the worlds largest open source content management system built on the .NET platform. And most of us are situated in the heart of Odense, right next to the train station.

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Let's change the way the world works. At Universal Robots we want to create a world where people work with robots, not like robots. Our mission is simple - Automation for anyone. Anywhere. Join Universal Robots, the market leader in collaborative robots, and help empower change in the way work is done. Shaping next year’s innovations. Moving a fast-growing industry forward. Building a truly global career. You can do it all here.

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vestas aircoil
Vestas aircoil is an approved maker of heat exchangers, charge air coolers for 2 and 4 stroke engines running on a selection of fuels, compressor coolers, generator air coolers as well as a variety of other special products, most often related to cooling air. Our charge air coolers can be used for many applications such as marine, power plants, generators / alternators, compressors, gas, wind energy and offshore. The key breakthrough for Vestas aircoil came with the development of charge air c. 

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Værdiskabende rådgivning med indsigt og udsyn. VITA er en rådgivende ingeniørvirksomhed, hvor vi beskæftiger os med anlægs- og afløbsteknik, klassisk byggeri, særligt byggeri og industri. Vi rådgiver alle vores gode kunder og samarbejdspartnere om alt fra overblik, proces, tid og økonomi til tekniske løsninger og bæredygtighed. VITA er vores værdier og vi vil gerne forpligtes på disse. 

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Vil du gerne udvikle software, der hjælper andre mennesker, og som bliver benyttet dagligt i hele norden af folk i alle aldre? Foretrækker du opgaver med lidt kød på? Så er det måske lige netop dig, vi leder efter til at skrive projekt i samarbejde med os eller som praktikant?

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Vi ejer, driver og udvikler elforsyningen på størstedelen af Fyn og sørger for, at der hver dag er strøm i stikkontakten hos mere end 220.000 fynske husstande og virksomheder. Vores primære opgave er at overvåge, vedligeholde og udbygge elnettet, så vi opretholder en høj og stabil leveringssikkerhed hos den enkelte forbruger både nu og i fremtiden. Vi har ansvar for at drive elnettet teknisk og økonomisk optimalt med høj og stabil leveringssikkerhed.

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As one of the world's leading consultancy companies, it is WSP's aim to future-proof our cities and environment. We provide strategic and technical advice to our customers within transport, infrastructure, environment, construction, energy, water and industry. In a culture steeped in community, innovation and inclusion, our 66,000 employees around the world go to work every day to make a positive and lasting impact on our society. In everything we do, we start from sustainability and science.

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Sidst opdateret: 07.10.2024