NanoSYD Minisymposium den 18. oktober 2019
Minisymposium i anledning af NanoSYD's 12-års jubilæum
Auditoriet U101, Alsion
13:00 Welcome
13:15 Nanoscale materials for solar energy conversion, Kjeld Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark
13:45 NanoSYD - IEAP Kiel: Ten years of succesful plasmonic exchange, Michael Bauer, Kiel University, Germany
14:15 Collective phenomena in the system of silver nanoparticles, Sigitas Tamulevicius, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 The third dimension of the periodical system, Katharina Al-Shamery, University of Oldenburg, Germany
15:45 Atoms, photons and surfaces, Tomasz Kawalec, Jagiellonian University, Poland
16:15 Photonics of hybrid materials and nanostructures, Francesco Quochi, University of Cagliari, Italy
16:45 Final remarks and refreshments
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