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Tobacco and nicotine use


Smoking is undisputedly the greatest single risk factor for public health. Each year, 13,600 people die due to tobacco, and 58,000 life-years are lost among men and 38,000 among women due to smoking. Over the last five years there has been a stagnation in the proportion of adult smokers (17 per cent smoking daily), and the most recent figures show that the proportion of young smokers is increasing. Our calculations show that there are 40 young people starting to smoke every day. Therefore, we must continue researching into how to prevent young people, but also the rest of the population, from smoking.

Our goals

  • We will carry out research into how to limit social inequalities in smoking.
  • We will carry out research into how social and structural factors play a role in both young people starting to smoke and smoking cessation in general in the population
  • We will carry out research into how prevention strategies and other health promotion initiatives work differently across different target groups.
  • We will monitor the tobacco market and new tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes.
Tobacco and Nicotine Use Research

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Last Updated 19.10.2023