Inauguration Lectures
In the tension field of Innovation, Design and Sustainability, synergy will be generated between the two new professors Alf Mikael Rehn and Mikkel K. Kragh and their field of research. This synergy is the fundamental basis of this double-Inauguration.
Inauguration of Professor Alf Mikael Rehn and Professor Mikkel K. Kragh
Department of Technology and Innovation invites you to attend their inaugural lectures 3 May, 2018 from 16.15 - 18.15 in auditorium U170 (changed from U1) University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M
Professor Alf Mikael Rehn is described as one of the world's leading innovation thinkers. His appointment as Professor and Head of Section at SDU Innovation and Design Engineering, will shake things up and lead to a completely new way of thinking about innovation and creativity.
Professor Mikkel K. Kragh is internationally acknowledged for his research in Facade and Architectural Design. As a new Professor and Head of Section at SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering, he is building an international research environment at SDU, for the construction industry of the future.
You are hereby invited to the inauguration lectures and reception. Please, register by sending an e-mail to: tilmelding@iti.sdu.dk no later than 29 April