Melina Kourantidou holder sit ph.d.-forsvar den 3. april
Ph.d.-afhandlingen bærer titlen: “Stewardship of resources in rapidly evolving Arctic economies and ecosystems: The role of marine invasive species”
Titlen på forelæsningen er:
“Should Norway’s Quota Area for Red King Crab be changed?
Lessons from the Red King and Snow Crab Invasions in the Barents Sea for managing shifting ecosystem values, productivities, and uncertainties”
Afhandlingen vil blive bedømt af lektor Eva Roth (formand), SDU, Professor Claire Armstrong, The Arctic University of Norway, og Prof. Dr. Ekko van Ierland, Wageningen University.
Forsvaret finde sted den 3. april 2018 kl. 13.00 i auditoriet på SDU Esbjerg.