Ph.d.-forsvar ved Morten Thomsen
Morten Thomasen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling d. 21. april.
Morten Thomsen, Department of Political Science and Public Management, will defend the PhD thesis entitled;
“The perception and communication of pesticides and biocides”
Friday, April 21 2023 - 13:00 in meeting room M, Department of Political Science and Public Management at SDU, Odense
The title of the lecture is;
"How can communication of risk information on pesticides and biocides and beyond reach the intended audience and influence them?"
The PhD thesis will be assessed by a committee comprising Associate Professor Kim Andersen (Chair), SDU, Professor Rens Vliegenthart, Waningen University, and Profesora asistente Claudia Montero , Pontifica Universidad Catalica de Chile