Tidspunkt |
Aktivitet |
08.30-09.00 |
Kaffe og rundstykker |
09.00-09.15 |
Velkomst |
09.15-10.30 |
Keynote speaker Dr. Tony Bates: The key challenge for university instructors is how best to prepare our students for a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. This entails a shift of focus from content mastery to high level skills development. What teaching methods will facilitate such a shift? What role should technology play in making such a shift? Why is blended learning so important for this shift? This presentation will use actual cases and best pedagogical principles to suggest how this can be done. |
10.30-10.45 |
Pause |
10.45-12.15 |
Parallel session 1 |
12.15-13.00 |
Sandwich frokost på Campustorvet |
13.00-14.30 |
Parallel session 2 |
14.30-14.45 |
Pause |
14.45-15.45 |
Key note speaker Dr. Tony Bates : All higher education institutions face the challenge of change, especially in teaching methods, where faculty have a great deal of autonomy. This presentation will explore some of the successful practices that have been used to support faculty and instructors in a shift to new ways of teaching.The challenges that still remain to be overcome will also be discussed. This will be a relatively short presentation with opportunities for questions and discussion. |
15.45-16.00 |
Tak for i dag! |
Sidst opdateret: 09.11.2017