Kommende disputatsforsvar
- Cand.med. Manouchehr Seyedi Vafaees
Forsvarer afhandlingen: ” The coupling of flow, metabolism, and function in the brain: A positron emission tomographic perspective”
Dato: Onsdag, den 19. februar 2025 kl. 14.00
Sted: Marie Krogh Auditorium, Klinikbygningen, Odense University Hospital, Sdr. Boulevard 29, DK-5000 Odense C
Her følger navnene på de forfattere (som er tildelt doktorgraden) og titlerne på deres doktorafhandlinger, som de har forsvaret ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet fra 1969 og til nu.
Doktorgrader (Doktorgraden i medicin = doctor medicinae (dr.med.))
- Cand.med., Anders Løkke: ”Development and early diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the general population – Epidemiological perspectives”, fredag den 24. februar 2023 kl. 14.00.
- Cand.med. Janus Christian Jakobsen: ”Systematising and applying essential methodol-ogies in randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews within dif-ferent medical specialities”, 6 November 2023)
- Cand.scient., Ph.d. Per Svenningsen: ” Proteolytic regulation of renal epithelial Na+ transport in health and proteinuric disease”, Fredag, den 4. februar 2022 kl. 14.00
- Cand.med., Ph.d. Torben Frøstrup Hansen: ” The Clinical Impact of the Angiogenic Couple of MicroRNA-126 and Epidermal Growth Factor Like-domain 7 in Colorectal Cancer”, Fredag, den 4. februar 2022 kl. 14.00
- Cand.scient., ph.d. Morten Frier Gjerstorff: "Cancer/testis antigens in the development and treatment of cancer”, torsdag, den 4. juni 2020 kl. 10.00
- Cand.med. Jordi Sanchez Dahl: ” Impact of left ventricular remodelling and function assessed by echocardiography in aortic valve stenosis”, Tirsdag, den 18. juni 2019 kl. 13.00
- Cand.Pharm. Anton Pottegård: "Pharmacoepidemiological assessment of drug-cancer associations", onsdag, den 22. maj kl. 14.00
- Cand.med., Ph.d. Nasrin Asgari: ”Multidisciplinary aspects of Neuromyelitis Optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD)”, tirsdag, den 19. marts 2019 kl. 14.00
Cand.scient, Ph.d., dr.med. Grith Lykke Sørensen: “Surfactant protein D in respiratory and non-respiratory diseases” (Degree awarded 16 October 2017)
Cand.med., Ph.d., dr.med. Line Dahlerup Rasmussen: “Aging and co-morbidity among HIV-infected individuals” (Degree awarded 2 June 2017)
- Cand.med., dr.med. Dorte Glintborg: ”Endocrine and metabolic characteristics in polycystic ovary syndrome” (Degree awarded 23 March 2016)
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Hans Jørgen Søgaard: "Prevalence and effect of detecting common mental disorders in long-term sickness absence" (Degree awarded 11 February 2015)
- Cand.med., dr.med. Anette Bygum: "Hereditary and acquired angioedema in Denmark. Prevalence, Clinical features, molecular genetic aspects and quality of life issues" (Degree awarded 11 February 2015)
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Peter Mygind Leth: "Computed tomography in forensic medicine" (Degree awarded 11 February 2015)
- Cand.med., dr.med. Søren Rafael Rafaelsen: "Diagnostic ultrasound in colorectal cancer" (Degree awarded 19 December 2014)
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kurt Højlund: "Metabolism and insulin signalling in skeletal muscle in common metabolic disorders and inherited insulin resistance" (Degree awarded 4 June 2014)
- Cand.med., dr.med. Marianne Skovsager Andersen: "GH deficiency, GH excess and pituitary adenomas" (Degree awarded 14 October 2013)
- Cand.med., dr.med. Pernille Due: ”Socio-epidemiological studies of adolescent health: investigating inequalities and the role of bullying” (Degree awarded on 31 May 2013).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Peter Alexandersen: ”The effect of female sex hormones and estrogen-like substances on lipids, atherogenesis, and cardiovascular disease: experimental and clinical studies” (Degree awarded on 28 December 2012).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Michael Bau Mortensen: "Pretherapeutic evaluation of patients with upper gastrointestinal tract cancer using endo-scopic and laparoscopic ultrasonography” (Degree awarded on 1 October 2012).
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Steen Joop Bonnema: ”On the factors affecting therapeutic outcome from radioiodine therapy in benign thyroid diseases” (Degree awarded on 25 June 2012).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jens Kronborg Djernes: ”Long-term follow-up of the health in the elderly with a specific focus on frail depressed patients” (Degree awarded on 25 June 2012).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Bente Mertz Nørgaard: ”Birth outcome in women with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, and pharmacoepidemiological aspects of antiinflammatory drug therapy” (Degree awarded on 15 September 2011).
- Cand.scient., ph.d., dr.med. Janne Schurmann Tolstrup: “Alcohol Intake and Cardio-vascular and Gastrointestinal Diseases. Do other factors matter?” (Degree awarded on 11 April 2011).
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Jakob Grauslund: ”Eye complications and markers of morbidity and mortality in long-term type 1 diabetes” (Degree awarded on 7 April 2011).
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Finn Rasmussen: ”Asymptomatic airway hyperresponsiveness, cardio-respiratory fitness, hospitalisation and airway remodeling. Population based longitudinal studies from childhood to young adulthood” (Degree awarded on 6 July 2010).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Pernille Poulsen: "Aetiology of type 2 diabetes and associated defects of metabolism - lessons from twin studies" (Degree awarded on 16 April 2010).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Lisette Okkels Jensen: ”Coronary artery remodeling in diabetic and non-diabetic patients assessed by intravascular ultrasound” (Degree awarded on 6 April 2010).
Cand.scient., dr.med. Jesper Boldsen:”Leprosy in Medieval Denmark. A Comprehensive Analysis” (Degree awarded on 21 February 2008).
Cand.med., dr.med. Allan Hjalmar Dyg Johansen: “Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy in Patients with Known or Suspected Stable Angina Pectoris” (Degree awarded on 17 June 2008).
Cand.med., dr.med. Ulrik Stenz Justesen: ”Protease Inhibitor Plasma Concentrations in HIV Antiretroviral Therapy” (Degree awarded on 8 October 2008).
Cand.med., dr.med. László B. Tankó: "Obesity and cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women" (Degree awarded 27 September 2007).
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jørgen L. Thomsen:"Alcoholics in forensic medicine" (Degree awarded 10 July 2007).
Cand.med., dr.med. Michael Gaster: "Fibre type dependent expression of glucose transporters in human skeletal muscles. An immunohistochemical approach" (Degree awarded 10 July 2007).
Cand.med., dr.med. Annemarie Touborg Lassen: "Acid-related disorders and use of antisecretory medication" (Degree awarded 22 March 2007).
Cand.med., dr.med. Jakob Eifer Møller: "Prognostic importance of systolic, diastolic and overall left ventricular dysfunction assessed with echocardiography after an acute myocardial infarction" (Degree awarded 30 November 2006).
Cand.med., dr.med. Flemming Møller:”Quantification and characterization of fixational eye movements in normal test persons and in patients with macular disease” (Degree awarded 16 June 2006).
Cand.med., dr.med. Finn Edler von Eyben: “Germ cell tumors and lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1”. (Degree awarded 30 June 2005). 2004
Cand.med., dr.med. Susanne Halken: ”Prevention of allergic disease in childhood. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of primary and secondary allergy prevention”. (Degree awarded 28 June 2004). 2003
Cand.med., dr.med. Ole Ø. Rasmussen: 'Fecal incontinence - studies on physiology, patho-physiology and surgical treatment' (degree awarded March 26, 2003)
Cand.med., dr.med. Lars Loumann Knudsen: 'Ocular fluorophotometry in human subjects and in swine - with particular reference to long-term pharmacokinetics' (degree awarded November 21, 2002
Cand.med., dr.med. Michael Boe Møller: 'Molecular control of the cell cycle in cancer: Biologic and clinical aspects' (degree awarded December 3, 2002)
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Boye L. Jensen: 'Regulation of juxtaglomerular apparatus function by sodium chloride'
(degree awarded June 7, 2001)
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Mark Ainsworth: 'Duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion: secretion mechanisms, physiological and pathophysiological importance' (degree awarded March 21, 2000)
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Uffe Holmskov: 'Collectins and collectin receptors in innate immunity' (degree awarded October 4, 2000)
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Allan Vaag: 'On the pathophysiology of late onset non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - current controversies and new insights'
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Henrik Ditzel: 'Human monoclonal antibodies: A tool for cancer detection in vivo'
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Kaare Christensen: 'The 20th Century Danish Facial Cleft Population - Epidemiological and Genetic-Epidemiological Studies'
- Cand.med., ph.d., dr.med. Jens Chr. Hedemann Sørensen: 'Restoration of connectivity and function in the lesioned brain. An experimental neural transplant study of the rat sensorimotor cortex and related structures'
- Candidate scientist, dr.med. Daniel L. Hogan: 'Characterization of duodenal epithelial bicarbonate secretion in health and disease'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Ole Hother-Nielsen: 'Constant tracer infusion technique for assessment of glucose turnover in vivo - current status'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Mogens Lytken Larsen: 'The clinical usefulness of glycated haemoglobin in diabetes care evaluated by use of a medical technology assessment strategy'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jesper Hallas: 'Drug-related hospital admissions in subspecialities of internal medicine'.
- Cand.med., dr.med. August Wang: 'Suicidal Behaviour in a Low-Incidence Population - A Study of the Faroe Islanders'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Daniel A. Steinbrüchel: 'Pathogenesis and mechanisms of graft rejection in concordant xenotransplantation with special reference to hamster-to-rat cardiac transplantation'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Erik Berg Schmidt: 'n-3 fatty acids and the risk of coronary heart disease'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Arne Høst: 'Cow's milk protein allergy and intolerance in infancy'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Niels Qvist: 'Motor activity of the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract as determinants of enterohepatic circulation - A scintigraphic and manometric study'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kamma Bertelsen: 'Ovarian Cancer - Prognostic factors, survival, and resources'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Torben Knudsen: 'The Na+/K+-pump in rat peritoneal mast cells: Some aspects of regulation of activity and cellular function'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hanne Boje Rasmussen: 'Fetal antigen 2 (FA2): The aminopropeptide of the 1 chain of human type I procollagen. A study on skin, tumour biology and bone metabolism'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Søren Risom Kristensen: 'Mechanisms of Cell Damage and Enzyme Release'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hans Mickley: 'Transient myocardial ischaemia after a first acute myocardial infarction'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Søren Kruse-Andersen: 'Extended recording of intraoesophageal pressures and pH'
- Cand. et lic.odont., dr.med. Ulla Glenert: 'Lægemiddelinduceret mundtørhed: en in vitro undersøgelse af cellulære måleparametre med henblik på at kvantitere lægemidlers effekt på parotiskirtlen'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Søren Sindrup: 'Antidepressants in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy symptoms. Pharmacodynamic, -kinetic and -genetic aspects'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Henrik Steen Hansen: 'Blood pressure, physical fitness, cardiac structure, and sodium-potassium pump activity in a population of children - the impact of primary intervention with physical training. The Odense School Child Study'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Claus Falck Larsen: 'Acute wrist trauma. An epidemiological, radiographic, and clinical investigation; with special reference to facture of the scaphoid and carpal instability'
- Cand. et dr.med.vet., dr.med. Niels Einer-Jensen: 'Counter Current Transfer between the Blood Vessels in the Ovarian Adnexa'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jan Hardam Kristiansen: 'Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hans Jørgen Gjessing: 'C-Peptide used in the Estimation of Islet Beta-Cell Function in Diabetes'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hans Henrik Jepsen: 'Complement receptor type I (CRI) on human erythrocytes. Functional studies with particular reference to the interaction with complement opsonized immune complexes'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Mogens Jakobsen: 'Role of initial brain ischemia in subarachnoid hemorrhage following aneurysm rupture. A patophysiological survey'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jens Rokkedal Nielsen: 'Assessment of sympathetic nervous activity, cellular sodium-potassium regulation and cardiac structure in young subjects at increased risk of developing essential hypertension'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jens Møller Rasmussen: 'Inherited deficiencies of complement proteins - with special reference to congenital deficiency of the regulatory protein factor I'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Troels Lyngbye: 'Bly og Børn. En undersøgelse af børns blyretention og dennes muligt sundhedsskadelige effekter samt faktorer, der indebærer en risiko for absorption og retention'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hanne Jensen: 'Myopia progression in young school children. A prospective study of myopia progression and the effect of a trial with bifocal lenses and beta blocker eye drops'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jan Abrahamsen: 'Accumulation and release of adrenaline, and the modulation by adrenaline of noradrenaline release from rabbit blood vessels in vitro'
- Cand.scient., dr.med. Ole Andersen: 'Oral cadmium exposure: Toxicokinetics and efficiency of chelating agents'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kenneth Egstrup: 'Silent myocardial ischaemia. Characteristics of silent ischaemia, prognostic implications and the effects of medical therapy and coronary artery by-pass surgery in patients with chronic stable angina'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jens Bollerslev: 'Autosomal dominant osteopetrosis: Bone Metabolism and Epidemiological, Clinical, and Hormonal Aspects'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Henning Overgaard Nielsen: 'The antral gastrin producing cells in duodenal ulcer patients - with special reference to treatment with cimetidine'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Per Bjerre: 'The Empty Sella. A Reappraisal of Etiology and Pathogenesis'
- Sygeplejerske, dr.med. Anne-Lise Salling Larsen: 'Stimulation af patienters aktivitet og udvikling'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Else Marie Damsgaard: 'Known Diabetes and Fasting Hyperglycaemia in the Elderly. Prevalence and Economic Impact upon Health Services'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hans Dieperink: 'Cyclosporin. A Nephrotoxicity'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Else Tønnesen: 'Immunological Aspects of Anaesthesia and Surgery. With Special Reference to NK-Cells'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Karsten Lauritsen: 'Drug treatment and formation of eicosanoids in patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Gunnar Baatrup. 'Immune Complex Modulation by Plasma Proteins - With special reference to the complement system and autoimmune diseases'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Erling Falk: 'Kritiske og akutte koronarlæsioner - Autopsifund ved fatal koronaraterosklerose'
- Cand.psych., dr.med. Jørn Halberg Beckmann: 'Breast Cancer and Psyche - A Comprehensive Psychological Measurement of the Correlates og Breast Cancer'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Nils Koch-Henriksen. 'An epidemiological study of multiple sclerosis: Familial aggregation, social determinants, and exogenic factors'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Susanne Møller Pedersen: 'Binding of Gold (I) Compounds to Human Serum Albumin. Pharmacological and Clinical Aspects'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Poul Vase: 'Telangiectasia haemorrhagica hereditaria. Mb Osler - en epidemiologisk, genetisk og klinisk undersøgelse'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kim Brøsen: 'The relationship between imipramine metabolism and the sparteine oxidation polymorphism'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Steffen Husby: 'Dietary Antigens: Uptake and Humoral Immunity in Man'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Berit Hølund: 'Fibronektin ved inflammatoriske tilstande - en lysmikroskopisk undersøgelse af fribronektins udbredning og lokalisation ved eksperimentelt induceret og naturligt forekommende inflammation'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Per Søgaard: 'The Epidemiology of Antibiotic Resistance in Three Species of the Enterobacteriaceae and the Relation to Consumption of Antimicrobial Agents in Odense University Hospital'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Bente Gahrn-Hansen: 'Coagulase - Negative Staphylococci and micrococci in clinical microbiology'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Claus Fenger: 'The Anal Transitional Zone'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Erik Simonsen: 'Sinus node dysfunction'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jes G. Westergaard: 'Studies on pregnancy associated plasma protein - A(PAPP-A) in normal and abnormal pregnancy'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jørgen Grønlund Nielsen 'The single-breath method for estimation of pulmonary blood flow. A reevaluation'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Karsten Bech: 'The Role of Somatostatin and Serotonin in the beta-adrenoceptor regulation of gastric function'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Torben Johansen: 'Energy metabolism in rat mast cells in relation to histamine secretion'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kai Gjerløff Schmidt: 'Indium-III labelled placelets: Experimental and clinical studies'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Karsten Roed-Petersen: 'Gastrojejunostomiens historie med særligt henblik på den tidlige ulcuskirurgi'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Peter Alex Frandsen: 'Fraktura Colli Femuris. En epidemiologisk, biomekanisk og klinisk undersøgelse'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jan Kvetny: 'Nuclear Thyroxine Binding in Human mononuclear blood cells'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Ivan Brandslund: 'The development of use of analytical methods for investigation of pathophysiological and immunopathological mechanisms in serum - sickness like reactions during penicillin treatment'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Steffen Bülow: 'Familial polyposis coli. A clinical and epidemiological study'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Mogens Henning Jensen: 'The catabolism of purine nucleotides in the human organism'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Flemming Knudsen: 'Blood/Surface Interactions during extra-corporal cirkulation'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Per Kragh-Sørensen: 'Monitoring plasma concentration of nortuptyline. Methodological, pharmakokinetic and clinical aspects'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Flemming Brandrup: 'Tetiological studies of psoriasis'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Per Thayssen: Systolic and diastolic time intervals in ischemic heart disease'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Finn Schultz Larsen: 'Atopic Dermatitis. Etiological studies based on a Twin Population'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Ann Katrin Sjølie: 'Ocular complications in insulin treated diabetes mellitus. An epidemiological study'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Knud Erik Petersen: 'Digoxin interactions. The influence of cimetidine and verapamil on the pharmacokinetics and receptor bindings of digitalis glycosides'
- Cand.scient., dr.med. Jann Hau: 'Pregnancy Proteins, Murine Models for the Study of Pregnancy - Specific Beta-1-Glycoprotein and Alpha-Foetoprotein'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Claus Hovendal: 'Adrenegic Influence on Canine Gastric Acid Secretion and Gastric Mucosal Blood Flow before and after Parietal Celle Nagotomy'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Hans Jørn Kolmos: 'Hygienic Problems in Dialysis'
- Lic et dr.med. Anders Green: 'Insulinbehandlet og tidligt indsættende diabetes mellitus i Danmark: Klinisk-epidemiologiske og samfundsmedicinske aspekter'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Lars Heslet: 'Lung function inhomogeneity. A study of the Pattern of single breath nitrogen washout test and radio-spinometry'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Karl Erik Hemmeløff: 'Clinical and metabolic aspects of chronic peritoneal dialyses'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Torben Lildholdt: 'Semetonisk otitis media'
- Dr.med. Niels Peter Skamris: 'En undersøgelse af døvblevnes og normalthørendes mundaflæsningsevne'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen: 'Serum thyroglobutin and thyroglobutin autoantibodies in thyroid diseases'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Johan Schioldam Nielsen: 'D.J.Monrad. En patografi'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Bent Juhl: 'Effekten af akut acidose på cardial output og totalplanchulusperfusion med henblik på om nogle anæstesimidler modificerer dette respons. En dyreeksperimentel undersøgelse'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kaj Anker Jørgensen: 'Studies on the biological balance between thromboxanes and prostacyclin in relation to the platelet - vessel wall interaction'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jørgen Folkersen: 'Oprensning og kvantitering af to graviditetsassocierede Alfa-2-mobile serumproteiner - med speciel reference til præparative og analytiske immunkemiske teknikker'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Lene Wallin: 'Sur gastrooesofageal refluks hos ulcus duodeni-patienter'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Bent Collatz Christensen: 'Studier over normalt og helende endotel. Scanning elektromikroskopi og permeabilitetsstudier på kaninens aorta thoracica'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Olaf Wraa: 'Kinetic studies of the lithium ion in rat brain in vitro and in vivo'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Svend Larsen: 'Immune Deposits in Human Glomerulopathy'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Mogens Møller: 'Ventricular arrhythmias following myocardial infarction'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Jesper Mai: 'Studies on the influences of alpha and betaadrenergie blochade on proprioceptive reflexparametres on spastic patients'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kizysztof Tadeusz: 'Det kutane maligne melanom og de epidermale melanocytter. En cellorfologisk undersøgelse'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kristian Thygesen: 'Assessing acute myocardial infarction by electrocardiography'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Mads Buhl: 'Purine metabolism in ischaic kidney tissue'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Henrik Nielsen: 'Circulation Immune Complexes: Properties, Methods for Detection and Disease Models'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Steen Boesby: 'Nogle aspekter vedrørende gastrooesophagical reflux'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Poul Aabel Østergaard: 'Betydningen af nedsat immunglobin A dannelse for udviklingen af adenotonsillitis og/eller astma bronchiale hos børn'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Ib Abildgaard Jacobsen: 'Step towards long-term preservation of kidneys at sub-zenotemperatures'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Knud Jensen: 'Cerebrospinal fluid proteins in neurological diseases. Studies on agar gel electrophoresis protein profiles'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Sven Arvid Birkeland: 'Renal transplantation, Clinical - immunological aspects of the immunosuppressive treatment'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Svend Tage Vestergaard: 'Perinatale studier'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Erik Schiøttz Christensen: 'Feberkramper. Studier af ætiologi og følgetilstande med udgangspunkt i tvillingundersøgelser'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Poul Helge Alsbirk: 'Primary angle - closure glancoma. Onclometry, epidemiology, and genetics in a high risk population'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Esther Hage: 'Endocrine - like cells of the pulmonary epithelium'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Torben Haghfelt: 'The prehospital phase in acute myocardial infarction'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Svend Arne Petersen: 'Gastrooesophagial spincter pressure in diseases of the stomach, duodenum and bilary tract'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Leif Sestoft: 'Control of fructose metabolism in perfused liver'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Johannes Stræde Nielsen: 'Cirkulation og respiration den første uge efter myokardieinfarkt'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Poul Alstrup: "Undersøgelser over respiratoriske og hæmodynamiske forhold efter lungeoperationer"
- Cand.med., dr.med Erik Terslev: "Congenit isoleret ventrikelseptumdefekt hos børn, specielt under 2 år. Med en efterundersøgelse"
- Cand.med., dr.med. Johan Kjærgaard: 'Anatomy of Carotid Glomus and Carotid Glomus like Bodies (Nancromaffin Paraganglions)'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Carl Chr. Hansen: 'The aetiology of perceptive deafness'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Leif Hertz: 'Ion Effects on Metabolism in the Adult Mammalian Brain in vitro. Evidence of a Potassium-induced Stimulation of Active Uptake of KC1 into Neuroglial Cells'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Kaj Gotlieb Jensen: 'Genetiske og epidemiologiske aspekter i ulcussygdomme belyst ved et tvillingmateriale'
- Cand.med., dr.med. Bjarne Andersen: "Præoperativ vurdering af operativ risiko. En klinisk undersøgelse med trinvis multipel regressionsanalyse og databehandling over 7.922 opererede gamle mennesker fra en dansk amtsrådskreds fra en 15- års periode"
- Dr.med. Helge Olsen: 'Flavobacterium meningosepticum - A bacteriological, epidemiological and clinical study'