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Infant twin mortality and hospitalisations after the perinatal period - a prospective cohort study from Guinea-Bissau.
Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Biering-Sørensen S, Gomes GM, Bidonga A, Jensen DM, Rodrigues A, Christensen K, Aaby P, Beck-Nielsen H, Benn CS, Sodemann M.
Trop Med Int Health. 2014 Dec;19(12):1477-87. Pubmed abstract
Heritability of clubfoot: a twin study.
Engell V, Nielsen J, Damborg F, Kyvik KO, Thomsen K, Pedersen NW, Andersen M, Overgaard S.
J Child Orthop. 2014 Feb;8(1):37-41. Pubmed abstract
Matched Survival Data in a Co-Twin Control Design.
Gerster M, Madsen M, Andersen PK.
Lifetime Data Anal. 2014 Jan;20(1):38-50. Pubmed abstract
Genetic influences on political ideologies: twin analyses of 19 measures of political ideologies from five democracies and genome-wide findings from three populations.
Hatemi PK, Medland SE, Klemmensen R, Oskarsson S, Littvay L, Dawes CT, Verhulst B, McDermott R, Nørgaard AS, Klofstad CA, Christensen K, Johannesson M, Magnusson PK, Eaves LJ, Martin NG.
Behav Genet. 2014 May;44(3):282-94. Pubmed abstract
The Heritability of Prostate Cancer in the Nordic Twin Study of Cancer
Hjelmborg JB, Scheike T, Holst K, Skytthe A, Penney KL, Graff RE, Pukkala E, Christensen K, Adami HO, Holm NV, Nuttall E, Hansen S, Hartman M, Czene K, Harris JR, Kaprio J, Mucci LA.
Can Epid Biomar Prev. 2014 Nov;23(11):2303-10. Pubmed abstract
Probing genetic overlap in the regulation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in Danish and Chinese twins.
Li S, Pang Z, Zhang D, Duan H, von Bornemann Hjelmborg J, Tan Q, Kruse TA, Kyvik KO.
Hypertens Res. 2014 Oct;37(10):954-9. Pubmed abstract
Is previous hyperthyroidism associated with long-term cognitive dysfunction? A twin study.
Lillevang-Johansen M, Petersen I, Christensen K, Hegedüs L, Brix TH.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 Feb;80(2):290-5. Pubmed abstract
Are the educational differences in incidence of cardiovascular disease explained by underlying familial factors? A twin study.
Madsen M, Andersen PK, Gerster M, Andersen AM, Christensen K, Osler M.
Soc Sci Med. 2014 Oct;118:182-90. Pubmed abstract
The nature of behavioural correlates of healthy ageing: a twin study of lifestyle in mid to late life.
McGue M, Skytthe A, Christensen K.
Int J Epidemiol. 2014 Jun;43(3):775-82. Pubmed abstract
Heredity of chronic bronchitis: A registry-based twin study.
Meteran H, Backer V, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Thomsen SF.
Respir Med. 2014 Sep;108(9):1321-6. Pubmed abstract
Heritability assessment of cartilage metabolism. A twin study on circulating procollagen IIA N-terminal propeptide (PIIANP).
Munk HL, Svendsen AJ, Hjelmborg JV, Sorensen GL, Kyvik KO, Junker P.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2014 Aug;22(8):1142-7. Pubmed abstract
A Danish population-based twin study on autism spectrum disorders.
Nordenbæk C, Jørgensen M, Kyvik KO, Bilenberg N.
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2014 Jan;23(1):35-43. Pubmed abstract
FTO genetic variants, dietary intake and body mass index: insights from 177 330 individuals.
Qi Q, Kilpeläinen TO, Downer MK, Tanaka T, Smith CE, Sluijs I, Sonestedt E, Chu AY, Renström F, Lin X, Angquist LH, Huang J, Liu Z, Li Y, Asif Ali M, Xu M, Ahluwalia TS, Boer JM, Chen P, Daimon M, Eriksson J, Perola M, Friedlander Y, Gao YT, Heppe DH, Holloway JW, Houston DK, Kanoni S, Kim YM, Laaksonen MA, Jääskeläinen T, Lee NR, Lehtimäki T, Lemaitre RN, Lu W, Luben RN, Manichaikul A, Männistö S, Marques-Vidal P, Monda KL, Ngwa JS, Perusse L, van Rooij FJ, Xiang YB, Wen W, Wojczynski MK, Zhu J, Borecki IB, Bouchard C, Cai Q, Cooper C, Dedoussis GV, Deloukas P, Ferrucci L, Forouhi NG, Hansen T, Christiansen L, Hofman A, Johansson I, Jørgensen T, Karasawa S, Khaw KT, Kim MK, Kristiansson K, Li H, Lin X, Liu Y, Lohman KK, Long J, Mikkilä V, Mozaffarian D, North K, Pedersen O, Raitakari O, Rissanen H, Tuomilehto J, van der Schouw YT, Uitterlinden AG, Zillikens MC, Franco OH, Shyong Tai E, Ou Shu X, Siscovick DS, Toft U, Verschuren WM, Vollenweider P, Wareham NJ, Witteman JC, Zheng W, Ridker PM, Kang JH, Liang L, Jensen MK, Curhan GC, Pasquale LR, Hunter DJ, Mohlke KL, Uusitupa M, Cupples LA, Rankinen T, Orho-Melander M, Wang T, Chasman DI, Franks PW, Sørensen TI, Hu FB, Loos RJ, Nettleton JA, Qi L.
Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Dec 20;23(25):6961-72. Pubmed abstract
Estimating heritability for cause specific mortality based on twin studies.
Scheike TH, Holst KK, Hjelmborg JB.
Lifetime Data Anal. 2014 Apr;20(2):210-33. Pubmed abstract
Estimating twin concordance for bivariate competing risks twin data.
Scheike TH, Holst KK, Hjelmborg JB.
Stat Med. 2014 Mar;33(7):1193-204. Pubmed abstract
Newborn infant characteristics and risk of future rheumatoid arthritis: a twin-control study.
Svendsen AJ, Kyvik KO, Houen G, Nielsen C, Holst R, Skytthe A, Junker P.
Rheumatol Int. 2014 Apr;34(4):523-8. Pubmed abstract
Epigenetic signature of birth weight discordance in adult twins
Tan Q, Nielsen MFM, Heijmans BT, von Bornemann Hjelmborg J, Tobi EW, Christensen K, Christiansen L.
BMC Genomics. 2014 Dec;15(1062). Pubmed abstract
Power estimation for gene-longevity association analysis using concordant twins.
Tan Q, Zhao JH, Kruse T, Christensen K.
Genet Res Int. 2014 Sep;2014:154204. Pubmed abstract
Hyperthyroidism and psychiatric morbidity: evidence from a Danish nationwide register study.
Brandt F, Thvilum M, Almind D, Christensen K, Green A, Hegedüs L, Brix TH.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2013 Dec 27;170(2):341-8. Pubmed abstract
Birth weight and adult bone metabolism are unrelated. Results from birth weight discordant monozygotic twins.
Frost M, Petersen I, Andersen T, Langdahl B, Buhl T, Christiansen L, Brixen K, Christensen K.
J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Dec;28(12):2561-9. Pubmed abstract
Risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes among young twins and singletons in Guinea-Bissau.
Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Hansen L, da Silva LI, Joaquím LC, Hennild DE, Christiansen L, Aaby P, Benn CS, Christensen K, Sodemann M, Jensen DM, Beck-Nielsen H.
Diabetes Care. 2013 Nov;36(11):3549-56. Pubmed abstract
Are familial factors underlying the association between socioeconomic position and prescription medicine? A register-based study on Danish twins.
Madsen M, Andersen PK, Gerster M, Andersen AM, Osler M, Christensen K.
BMJ Open. 2013 Nov;3(11):e003292. Pubmed abstract
Risk factors for Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization in Danish middle-aged and elderly twins.
Andersen PS, Larsen LA, Fowler VG Jr, Stegger M, Skov RL, Christensen K.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013 Oct;32(10):1321-6. Pubmed abstract
Birth size and age at menarche: A twin perspective.
Sørensen K, Juul A, Christensen K, Skytthe A, Scheike T, Kold Jensen T.
Hum Reprod. 2013 Oct;28(10):2865-71. Pubmed abstract
Increased prevalence of congenital heart defects in monozygotic and dizygotic twins.
Herskind AM, Almind Pedersen D, Christensen K.
Circulation. 2013 Sep;128(11):1182-8. Pubmed abstract
Heritability of eleven metabolic phenotypes in Danish and Chinese twins: A cross-population comparison
Li S, Duan H, Pang Z, Zhang D, Duan H, Hjelmborg JV, Tan Q, Kruse TA, Kyvik KO.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Sep;21(9):1908-14. Pubmed abstract
What we can learn from twins: congenital heart disease in the danish twin registry.
Mahle WT.
Circulation. 2013 Sep 10;128(11):1173-4. Pubmed abstract
Apgar score is related to development of atopic dermatitis: cotwin control study.
Naeser V, Kahr N, Stensballe LG, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Backer V, Carson CG, Thomsen SF.
J Allergy (Cairo). 2013;2013:712090. Pubmed abstract
Heritability of psoriasis in a large twin sample.
Lønnberg AS, Skov L, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Pedersen OB, Thomsen SF.
Br J Dermatol. 2013 Aug;169(2):412-6. Pubmed abstract
Genetisk variation og langt liv
Sørensen M
Gerontologi. 29(4): 30-33. Online version
A novel permutation test for case-only analysis identifies epistatic effects on human longevity in the FOXO gene family.
Tan Q, Sørensen M, Kruse TA, Christensen K, Christiansen L.
Ageing Cell. 2013 Aug;12(4):690-4. Pubmed abstract
Regulation of the pituitary-thyroid axis in adulthood is not related to birth weight: Evidence from extremely birth weight-discordant monozygotic Danish twin pairs.
Frost M, Petersen I, Hegedüs L, Christiansen L, Brix T, Christensen K.
Thyroid. 2013 Jul;23(7):785-90. Pubmed abstract
Heritability and familial aggregation of diverticular disease: A population-based study of twins and siblings.
Strate LL, Erichsen R, Baron JA, Mortensen J, Pedersen JK, Riis AH, Christensen K, Sørensen HT.
Gastroenterology. 2013 Apr;144(4):736-742.e1. Pubmed abstract
Tvillinger og den genetiske hjerne.
Christensen K, McGue M.
I: Den genetiske hjerne. Red. Tommerup N.
HjerneForum. Landsforeningen til bekæmpelse af hjernesygdomme. 2013: s.15-22.
Genetic and environmental influence on DNA strand break repair: A twin study.
Garm C, Moreno-Villanueva M, Bürkle A, Larsen LA, Bohr VA, Christensen K, Stevnsner T.
Environ Mol Mutagen. 2013 Jul;54(6):414-20. Pubmed abstract
Morbidity before and after the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism: A nationwide register-based study.
Brandt F, Thvilum M, Almind D, Christensen K, Green A, Hegedüs L, Brix TH.
PLoS One. 2013 Jun 20;8(6):e66711. Pubmed abstract
Heritability of health-related quality of life: SF-12 summary scores in a population-based nationwide twin cohort.
Steenstrup T, Pedersen OB, Hjelmborg J, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Jun;16(3):670-8. Pubmed abstract
Circulating surfactant protein D is associated to mortality in elderly women: A twin study.
Wulf-Johansson H, Thinggaard M, Tan Q, Johansson SL, Schlosser A, Christensen K, Holmskov U, Sorensen GL.
Immunobiology. 2013 May;218(5):712-7. Pubmed abstract
Familial Resemblance in Religiousness in a Secular Society: A twin Study.
Hvidtjørn D, Petersen I, Hjelmborg J, Skytthe A, Christensen K, Hvidt NC.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Apr;16(2):544-53. Pubmed abstract
The impact of genes on the occurrence of autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. A study on disease discordant twin pairs.
Svendsen AJ, Hjelmborg JV, Kyvik KO, Houen G, Nielsen C, Skytthe A, Junker P.
J Autoimmun. 2013 Mar;41:120-5. Pubmed abstract
Excess mortality in patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism: a nationwide cohort study of singletons and twins.
Thvilum M, Brandt F, Almind D, Christensen K, Hegedüs L, Brix TH.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Mar;98(3):1069-75. Pubmed abstract
Establishing a twin registry in Guinea-Bissau.
Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Gomes MA, Joaquím LC, Rodrigues A, Jensen DM, Christensen K, Benn CS, Aaby P, Beck-Nielsen H, Sodemann M.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;16(1):179-84. Pubmed abstract
Familial atrial fibrillation predicts increased risk of mortality: a study in Danish twins.
Christophersen IE, Budtz-Jørgensen E, Olesen MS, Haunsø S, Christensen K, Svendsen JH.
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2013 Feb 1;6(1):10-5. Pubmed abstract
The Qingdao Twin Registry: A Status Update.
Duan H, Ning F, Zhang D, Wang S, Zhang D, Tan Q, Tian X, Pang Z.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;16(1):79-85. Pubmed abstract
IGEMS: The Consortium on Interplay of Genes and Environment Across Multiple Studies.
Pedersen NL, Christensen K, Dahl AK, Finkel D, Franz CE, Gatz M, Horwitz BN, Johansson B, Johnson W, Kremen WS, Lyons MJ, Malmberg B, McGue M, Neiderhiser JM, Petersen I, Reynolds CA.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;16(1):481-9. Pubmed abstract
The Danish Twin Registry: Linking surveys, national registers, and biological information.
Skytthe A, Christiansen L, Kyvik KO, Bødker FL, Hvidberg L, Petersen I, Nielsen MM, Bingley P, Hjelmborg J, Tan Q, Holm NV, Vaupel JW, McGue M, Christensen K.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;16(1):104-11. Pubmed abstract
On the Origin of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Impact of Environment and Genes - A Population Based Twin Study.
Svensen AJ, Kyvik KO, Houen G, Junker P, Christensen K, Christiansen L, Nielsen C, Skytthe A, Hjelmborg JV.
PLOS ONE 2013 Feb; 8(2): e57304. Open access
Growing Old but Not Growing Apart: Twin Similarity in the Latter Half of the Lifespan.
McGue M, Christensen K.
Behav Genet. 2013 Jan;43(1):1-12. Pubmed abstract
Epigenetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases Using Twins
Tan Q.
Medical Epigenetics. 2013 Jan;1:46-51.
Twins for epigenetic studies of human aging and development.
Tan Q, Christiansen L, Thomassen M, Kruse TA, Christensen K.
Ageing Res Rev. 2013 Jan;12(1):182-7. Pubmed abstract
2012 ^-- til toppen --^
A prospective study of twinning and perinatal mortality in urban Guinea-Bissau.
Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Lund N, Jepsen FS, Camala L, Gomes MA, Christensen K, Christiansen L, Jensen DM, Aaby P, Beck-Nielsen H, Benn CS, Sodemann M.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012 Dec;12(1):140. Pubmed abstract
Prediction of breast cancer metastasis by gene expression profiles: A comparison of metagenes and single genes.
Burton M, Thomassen M, Tan Q, Kruse T.
Cancer Informatics. 2012 Dec; 11:193-217.
Adult glucose metabolism in extremely birthweight-discordant monozygotic twins.
Frost M, Petersen I, Brixen K, Beck-Nielsen H, Holst JJ, Christiansen L, Højlund K, Christensen K.
Diabetologia. 2012 Dec;55(12):3204-12. Pubmed abstract
Genome-wide meta-analysis points to CTC1 and ZNF676 as genes regulating telomere homeostasis in humans.
Mangino M, Hwang SJ, Spector TD, Hunt SC, Kimura M, Fitzpatrick AL, Christiansen L, Petersen I, Elbers CC, Harris T, Chen W, Srinivasan SR, Kark JD, Benetos A, El Shamieh S, Visvikis-Siest S, Christensen K, Berenson GS, Valdes AM, Viñuela A, Garcia M, Arnett DK, Broeckel U, Province MA, Pankow JS, Kammerer C, Liu Y, Nalls M, Tishkoff S, Thomas F, Ziv E, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Rotter JI, Taylor KD, Smith E, Schork NJ, Levy D, Aviv A.
Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Dec;21(24):5385-94. Pubmed abstract
Genome-wide linkage and association scans for pulse pressure in Chinese twins.
Zhang D, Pang Z, Li S, Jiang W, Wang S, Thomassen M, Hjelmborg JV, Kruse TA, Ohm Kyvik K, Christensen K, Zhu G, Tan Q.
Hypertens Res. 2012 Nov;35(11):1051-7. Pubmed abstract
Influence of host genetics and environment on nasal carriage of staphylococcus aureus in Danish middle-aged and elderly twins.
Andersen PS, Pedersen JK, Fode P, Skov RL, Fowler VG Jr, Stegger M, Christensen K.
J Infect Dis. 2012 Oct;206(8):1178-84. Pubmed abstract
Risk of chronic bronchitis in twin pairs discordant for smoking.
Meteran H, Thomsen SF, Harmsen L, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Backer V.
Lung. 2012 Oct;190(5):557-61. Pubmed abstract
Traits of ADHD and autism in girls with a twin brother: A mendelian randomization study.
Attermann J, Obel C, Bilenberg N, Nordenbæk CM, Skytthe A, Olsen J.
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2012 Sep;21(9):503-9. Pubmed abstract
Impact of common variation in bone-related genes on type 2 diabetes and related traits.
Billings LK, Hsu YH, Ackerman RJ, Dupuis J, Voight BF, Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Hercberg S, Lathrop M, Barnes D, Langenberg C, Hui J, Fu M, Bouatia-Naji N, Lecoeur C, An P, Magnusson PK, Surakka I, Ripatti S, Christiansen L, Dalgård C, Folkersen L, Grundberg E; the MAGIC Investigators; the DIAGRAM + Consortium; the MuTHER Consortium; the ASCOT Investigators; the GEFOS Consortium, Eriksson P, Kaprio J, Ohm Kyvik K, Pedersen NL, Borecki IB, Province MA, Balkau B, Froguel P, Shuldiner AR, Palmer LJ, Wareham N, Meneton P, Johnson T, Pankow JS, Karasik D, Meigs JB, Kiel DP, Florez JC.
Diabetes. 2012 Aug;61(8):2176-86. Pubmed abstract
Commentary: Twins, worms and life course epidemiology.
Christensen K, McGue M.
Int J Epidemiol. 2012 Aug;41(4):1010-1.
UCP3 polymorphisms, hand grip performance and survival at old age: Association analysis in two Danish middle aged and elderly cohorts.
Dato S, Soerensen M, Montesanto A, Lagani V, Passarino G, Christensen K, Christiansen L.
Mech Ageing Dev. 2012 Aug;133(8):530-7. Pubmed abstract
Epigenetic variation during the adult lifespan: Cross-sectional and longitudinal data on monozygotic twin pairs.
Talens RP, Christensen K, Putter H, Willemsen G, Christiansen L, Kremer D, Suchiman HE, Slagboom PE, Boomsma DI, Heijmans BT.
Aging Cell. 2012 Aug;11(4):694-703. Pubmed abstract
Increase in self-reported migraine prevalence in the Danish adult population: A prospective longitudinal population-based study.
Le H, Tfelt-Hansen P, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Olesen J.
BMJ Open. 2012 Jul 2;2(4). Pubmed abstract
Polymorphisms in the glial glutamate transporter SLC1A2 are associated with essential tremor.
Thier S, Lorenz D, Nothnagel M, Poremba C, Papengut F, Appenzeller S, Paschen S, Hofschulte F, Hussl AC, Hering S, Poewe W, Asmus F, Gasser T, Schöls L, Christensen K, Nebel A, Schreiber S, Klebe S, Deuschl G, Kuhlenbäumer G.
Neurology. 2012 Jul 17;79(3):243-8. Pubmed abstract
Gender-specific patterns in age-related decline in general health among Danish and Chinese: A cross-national comparative study.
Wu Y, Zhang D, Pang Z, Oksuzyan A, Jiang W, Wang S, Li S, Kruse T, Christensen K, Tan Q.
Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2012 Jul; 12(3):431-9. Pubmed abstract
Frailty phenotypes in the elderly based on cluster analysis: A longitudinal study of two Danish cohorts. Evidence for a genetic influence on frailty.
Dato S, Montesanto A, Lagani V, Jeune B, Christensen K, Passarino G.
Age (Dordr). 2012 Jun;34(3):571-82. Pubmed abstract
Cancer and longevity - Is there a trade-off? A study of co-occurrence in Danish twin pairs born 1900-1918.
Christensen K, Pedersen JK, Hjelmborg JV, Vaupel JW, Stevnsner T, Holm NV, Skytthe A.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2012 May;67(5):489-94. Pubmed abstract
Human longevity and variation in GH/IGF-1/insulin signaling, DNA damage signaling and repair and pro/antioxidant pathway genes: Cross sectional and longitudinal studies.
Soerensen M, Dato S, Tan Q, Thinggaard M, Kleindorp R, Beekman M, Jacobsen R, Suchiman HE, de Craen AJ, Westendorp RG, Schreiber S, Stevnsner T, Bohr VA, Slagboom PE, Nebel A, Vaupel JW, Christensen K, McGue M, Christiansen L.
Exp Gerontol 2012 May; 47(5):379-87. Pubmed abstract
Kun i mørket er alle katte grå: betydningen af genetik og individuelle forskelle for politisk adfærd.
Nørgaard AS, Klemmensen R, Dinesen PT, Skytthe A.
Politica 2012; 44(4):469-487. Politica.dk
Genetic variation in TERT and TERC and human leukocyte telomere length and longevity: a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis.
Soerensen M, Thinggaard M, Nygaard M, Dato S, Tan Q, Hjelmborg J, Andersen-Ranberg K, Stevnsner T, Bohr VA, Kimura M, Aviv A, Christensen K, Christiansen L.
Aging Cell. 2012 Apr; 11(2):223-7. Pubmed abstract
Atopic diseases in twins born after assisted reproduction.
Jäderberg I, Thomsen SF, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Backer V.
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2012 Mar;26(2):140-5. Pubmed abstract
Skewed X inactivation and survival: A 13-year follow-up study of elderly twins and singletons.
Mengel-From J, Thinggaard M, Christiansen L, Vaupel JW, Orstavik KH, Christensen K.
Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 Mar;20(3):361-4. Pubmed abstract
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Weight, Height and BMI from Birth to 19 Years of Age: An International Study of Over 12,000 Twin Pairs.
Dubois L, Kyvik KO, Girard M, Tatone-Tokuda F, Pérusse D, Hjelmborg J, Skytthe A, Rasmussen F, Wright MJ, Lichtenstein P, Martin NG.
PLoS One; 2012 Feb; 7(2): e30153. Pubmed abstract
Heritability in political interest and efficacy across cultures: Denmark and the United States.
Klemmensen R, Hatemi PK, Hobolt SB, Skytthe A, Nørgaard AS.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2012 Feb;15(1):15-20. Pubmed abstract
The Danish political twin study: Political traits in Danish twins and the general population.
Klemmensen R, Hobolt SB, Dinesen PT, Skytthe A, Nørgaard AS.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2012 Feb;15(1):74-8. Pubmed abstract
Associations between inflammatory markers, candidate polymorphisms and physical performance in older Danish twins.
Tiainen K, Thinggaard M, Jylhä M, Bladbjerg E, Christensen K, Christiansen L.
Exp Gerontol. 2012 Jan;47(1):109-15. Pubmed abstract
2011 ^-- til toppen --^
Beaty TH, Ruczinski I, Murray JC, Marazita ML, Munger RG, Hetmanski JB, Murray T, Redett RJ, Fallin MD, Liang KY, Wu T, Patel PJ, Jin SC, Zhang TX, Schwender H,Wu-Chou YH, Chen PK, Chong SS, Cheah F, Yeow V, Ye X, Wang H, Huang S, Jabs EW, Shi B, Wilcox AJ, Lie RT, Jee SH, Christensen K, Doheny KF, Pugh EW, Ling H, Scott AF.
Evidence for gene-environment interaction in a genome wide study of nonsyndromic cleft palate.
Genet Epidemiol. 2011 Sep;35(6):469-78. Pubmed abstract
Behrman JR, Kohler HP, Jensen VM, Pedersen D, Petersen I, Bingley P, Christensen K.
Does more schooling reduce hospitalization and delay mortality? New evidence based on Danish twins.
Demography. 2011 Nov;48(4):1347-75. Pubmed abstract
Bendix L, Gade MM, Staun PW, Kimura M, Jeune B, Hjelmborg JV, Aviv A, Christensen K.
Leukocyte telomere length and physical ability among Danish Twins age 70+.
Mech Ageing Dev. 2011 Nov;132(11-12):568-72. Pubmed abstract
Christensen K, Ohm Kyvik K, Holm NV, Skytthe A.
Register-based research on twins.
Scand J Public Health. 2011 Jul;39(7 Suppl):185-90. Pubmed abstract
Deelen J, Beekman M, Uh HW, Helmer Q, Kuningas M, Christiansen L, Kremer D, van de Breggen R, Suchiman HE, Lakenberg N, van den Akker EB, Passtoors WM, Tiemeier H, van Heemst D, de Craen AJ, Rivadeneira F, de Geus EJ, Perola M, van der Ouderaa FJ, Gunn DA, Boomsma DI, Uitterlinden AG, Christensen K, van Duijn CM, Heijmans BT, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Westendorp RG, Slagboom PE.
Genome-wide association study identifies a single major locus contributing to survival into old age; the APOE locus revisited.
Aging Cell. 2011 Aug;10(4):686-98. Pubmed abstract
Doty RL, Petersen I, Mensah N, Christensen K.
Genetic and environmental influences on odor identification ability in the very old.
Psychol Aging. 2011 Dec;26(4):864-71. Pubmed abstract
Duan H, Pang Z, Zhang D, Li S, Kruse TA, Kyvik KO, Christensen K, Tan Q.
Genetic and environmental dissections of sub-phenotypes of metabolic syndrome in the chinese population: A twin-based heritability study.
Obesity Facts. 2011;4(2):99-104. Pubmed abstract
Erlangsen A, Nordentoft M, Conwell Y, Waern M, De Leo D, Lindner R, Oyama H, Sakashita T, Andersen-Ranberg K, Quinnett P, Draper B, Lapierre S; International Research Group on Suicide Among the Elderly.
Key considerations for preventing suicide in older adults: Consensus opinions of an expert panel.
Crisis. 2011;32(2):106-9. Pubmed abstract
Grosen D, Bille C, Petersen I, Skytthe A, Hjelmborg JB, Pedersen JK, Murray JC, Christensen K.
Risk of oral clefts in twins.
Epidemiology. 2011 May;22(3):313-9. Pubmed abstract
Ingebrigtsen TS, Thomsen SF, van der Sluis S, Miller M, Christensen K, Sigsgaard T, Backer V.
Genetic influences on pulmonary function: A large sample twin study.
Lung. 2011 Aug;189(4):323-30. Pubmed abstract
Johnson W, Kyvik KO, Mortensen EL, Skytthe A, Batty GD, Deary IJ.
Does Education Confer a Culture of Healthy Behaviour? Smoking and Drinking Patterns in Danish Twins.
Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Jan; 173(1):55-63.
Johnson W, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Deary IJ, Sørensen TI.
Education modifies genetic and environmental influences on BMI.
PLoS One. 2011 Jan 19;6(1):e16290. Pubmed abstract
Le H, Tfelt-Hansen P, Russell MB, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Olesen J.
Co-morbidity of migraine with somatic disease in a large population-based study.
Cephalalgia. 2011 Jan;31(1):43-64. Pubmed abstract
Le H, Tfelt-Hansen P, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Olesen J.
Association between migraine, lifestyle and socioeconomic factors: A population-based cross-sectional study.
J Headache Pain. 2011 Apr;12(2):157-72. Pubmed abstract
Madsen, M.
Social Inequality in Health - A discordant Twin-Pair Design
Ph.d.-afhandling 2011 Nov; Syddansk Universitet.
Madsen M, Andersen PK, Gerster M, Nybo Andersen AM, Christensen K, Osler M.
Does the association of education with breast cancer replicate within twin pairs? A register-based study on Danish female twins.
Br J Cancer. 2011 Feb 1;104(3):520-3. Pubmed abstract
Mengel-From J, Christensen K, Thinggaard M, McGue M, Christiansen L.
Genetic variants in the choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) gene are modestly associated with normal cognitive function in the elderly.
Genes Brain Behav. 2011 Nov;10(8):876-82. Pubmed abstract
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Oksuzyan A, Jacobsen R, Glaser K, Tomassini C, Vaupel JW, Christensen K.
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Petersen I, Martinussen T, McGue M, Bingley P, Christensen K.
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Rokholm B, Silventoinen K, Ängquist L, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Sørensen TI.
Increased genetic variance of BMI with a higher prevalence of obesity.
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Sadler ME, Miller CJ, Christensen K, McGue M.
Subjective wellbeing and longevity: A co-twin control study.
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The Danish Twin Registry.
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GABA(A) receptor- and GABA transporter polymorphisms and risk for essential tremor.
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Thomsen SF, Duffy DL, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Backer V.
Risk of asthma in adult twins with type 2 diabetes and increased body mass index.
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Thomsen SF, Duffy DL, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Backer V.
Relationship between type 1 diabetes and atopic diseases in a twin population.
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Variance components models for physical activity with age as modifier: A comparative twin study in seven countries.
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2010 ^-- til toppen --^
Brix TH, Hansen PS, Knudsen GPS, Kringen MK, Kyvik KO, Ørstavik KH, Hegedüs L.
Preliminary evidence of a non-causal association between a skewed X chromosome inactivation and thyroid autoimmunity - a twin study.
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New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.
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Grosen D, Bille C, Pedersen JK, Skytthe A, Murray JC, Christensen K.
Recurrence risk for offspring of twins discordant for oral cleft: A population-based cohort study of the Danish 1936-2004 cleft twin cohort.
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Genetics of dietary habits and obesity - a twin study.
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Hasselbalch AL, Ängquist L, Christiansen L, Heitmann BL, Kyvik, KO, Sørensen TIA.
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Hasselbalch AL, Silventoinen K, Keskitalo K, Pietiläinen KH, Rissanen A, Heitmann BL, Kyvik KO, Sørensen TIA, Kaprio J.
Twin study of heritability of eating bread in Danish and Finnish men and women.
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Hasselbalch AL, Heitmann BL, Kyvik KO, Sørensen TIA.
Associations between dietary intake and body fat independent of genetic and familial environmental background.
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Hjelmborg JVB, Nzietchueng R, Kimura M, Gardner JP, Bladbjerg EM, Christensen K, Aviv A, Benetos A.
Leukocyte telomere length is inversely correlated with plasma Von Willebrand factor.
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Iachine I, Petersen HC, Kyvik KO.
Robust tests for the equality of variances for clustered data.
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Jensen MS, Toft G, Thulstrup AM, Henriksen TB, Olsen J, Christensen K, Bonde JP.
Cryptorchidism concordance in mono- and dizygotic twin brothers, full brothers and half brothers.
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Johnson W, Kyvik KO, Mortensen EL, Skytthe A, Batty GD, Deary IJ.
Education reduces the effects of genetic susceptibilities to poor physical health.
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Kindlund K, Thomsen SF, Stensballe LG, Skytthe A, Kyvik KO, Backer V, Bisgaard H.
Birth weight and risk of asthma in 3-9-year-old twins: Exploring the fetal origins hypothesis.
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Korja M, Silventoinen K, McCarron P, Zdravkovic S, Skytthe A, Haapanen A, de Faire U, Pedersen NL, Christensen K, Koskenvuo M, Kaprio J; GenomEUtwin Project.
Genetic epidemiology of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. Nordic Twin Study.
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Krogh C, Fischer TK, Skotte L, Biggar RJ, Øyen N, Skytthe A, Goertz S, Christensen K, Wohlfahrt J, Melbye M.
Familial aggregation and heritability of pyloric stenosis.
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Madsen M, Nybo Andersen AM, Christensen K, Andersen PK, Osler M.
Does educational status impact adult mortality in Denmark? A twin approach.
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Obel N, Christensen K, Petersen I, Sørensen TI, Skytthe A.
Genetic and environmental influences on risk of death due to infections assessed in Danish twins, 1943-2001.
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Pang Z, Zhang D, Li S, Duan H, Hjelmborg J, Kruse TA, Kyvik KO, Christensen K, Tan Q.
Multivariate modelling of endophenotypes associated with the metabolic syndrome in Chinese twins.
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Poorisrisak P, Halkjaer LB, Thomsen SF, Stensballe LG, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Schioetz PO, Bisgaard H.
Causal Direction between RSV Bronchiolitis and Asthma Studied in Monozygotic Twins.
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Svendsen, Anders Jørgen.
RA - beskeden genetisk disposition - resultater fra nyt dansk tvillingestudie.
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Dissecting complex phenotypes using the genomics of twins.
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