Muhyiddine Jradi delivered a talk to researchers and students at Dalarna University

Associate Professor Muhyiddine Jradi was invited by the Energy and Built Environments group at Dalarna University, Sweden to take part in a virtual seminar on the 2nd of December 2020.
Muhyiddine has delivered a talk entitled 'IBACSA: An interactive tool for building automation and control systems auditing and smartness evaluation'. The talk introduced an innovative holistic tool ‘IBACSA’, developed under BuildCOM project, for building automation and control systems assessment and smartness evaluation using a hybrid qualitative-quantitative multi-criteria approach. IBACSA methodology and development along with the implementation and evaluation of the tool in multiple case study buildings was presented.
IBACSA serves as a comprehensive and user-friendly instrument in a systematic building initial and retro commissioning platform, ensuring a good start-up for newly built and retrofitted energy efficient buildings.