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SDUs årlige konference - Teaching for active learning (TAL)
SDU afholder hvert år i november måned en konference, der skal inspirere og formidle viden og erfaringer om, hvordan studerendes læring fremmes i overensstemmelse med de bærende principper på SDU.

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Konferencen afholdes 7.-9. marts 2016 i Valencia, Spanien: "The 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference".

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Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference
The annual Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference brings together educators, course designers, system administrators and eLearning managers from across the Europe-Middle East-Africa region to share their knowledge and expertise in the field of online teaching and learning.

NARST - National Association for Research in Science Teaching
En stor - primært amerikansk - organisation indenfor science education.
Næste konference afholdes 14.-17. april 2016 i Baltimore.

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Designs for Learning 2016

The fifth Designs for Learning Conference will focus on new learning ecologies in different areas such as:
- designs for learning and change
- connecting design, theory and practice
- reconceptualising learning - theoretical and methodological approaches
Konferencen afholdes 17.-20. maj 2016 i København.

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LU:s femte högskolepedagogiska utvecklingskonferens 

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Online EDUCA
"The global, cross-sector conference on technology supported learning and training"
Konferencen afholdes 30 November - 2 December 2016 i Berlin.

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SRHE Annual Research Conference
Temaet for 2015-konferencen er "Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international perspectives". Konferencen afholdes i Wales d. 9.-11. december 2015.

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Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills for the 21st Century
The conference is organised by Experts in teamwork (EiT), with support from a Nordic network working on developing students’ group work in interdisciplinary teams.

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Netværk for Netbaserede Uddannelser (NNU!)
Professionshøjskolerne UCC, UC Syddanmark og VIA afholdt 6. marts 2015 på DPU i Emdrup konference om e-læring med fokus på de didaktiske tiltag, som forskellige studieaktiviteter fordrer.

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DUN - Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværk
DUN er en tværgående universitetspædagogisk organisation, hvis mål er at fremme viden og kompetence inden for alle former for universitetsundervisning. Igennem DUN kan danske universiteter opnå et fælles kvalitetsløft på flere områder, end det er muligt enkeltvis. DUN styrker det nationale niveau inden for forskning og udvikling ved at sætte både fagligt og politisk fokus på kvalitet i undervisning og uddannelse

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Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills for the 21st Century
Konferencen blev afholdt 3.-4. juni 2015 i Trondheim. 

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CSCL - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: “Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: Opportunities and Challenges for CSCL”
Konferencen blev afholdt 7.-11. juni 2015 i Göteborg.  

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EuroSoTL 2015: Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: Many educational development initiatives emphasize a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) approach. But what does this mean, in theory and in practice? How can scholarship of teaching and learning help to tackle some of the key challenges higher education is currently facing, and help institutions and academics stay focused on quality student learning?
Konferencen blev afholdt 8.-9. juni 2015 i Irland.

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Assessment in Higher Education
Den seneste konference blev afholdt 24.-25. juni i Birmingham, England.

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EFYE -  European First Year Experience
Hovedtemaer: Institutional Development og Student Life Cycle.
Konferencen blev afholdt 15.-17. juni 2015 i Bergen, Norge.

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ESERA - European Science Education Research Association
Konferencen blev afholdt i Finland 31. august - 4 september 2015.

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AMEE - An International Association for Medical Education in Europe
AMEE promotes international excellence in education in the health professions across the continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education.

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Konference om Evaluering og anerkendelse i undervisning: Andre veje

Nordic Chapter of Europortfolio præsenterede 24. september 2015 tre forskere, som på hver sin måde arbejder med ikke-traditionelle måder at anerkende studerendes kompetencer:

-      Ilona Buchem, Beuth Technische Hochschule, Berlin
-      Janet Strivens, The Centre for Recording Achievement, UK
-      Donna Hurford, SDU Universitetspædagogik, SDU

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IASCE - The International Association of the Study of Cooperation in Education
Tema: Cooperative Learning: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
Konferencen blev afholdt 1.-3. oktober 2015 på UC Lillebælt, Odense.

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Sidst opdateret: 09.04.2024