PhD Projects
Completed PhD projects
How does the the provinceuniversity interact with students' motives and strategies?
This PhD project examines how young adults in higher education institutions (HEI) use (im)mobility between peripheral and urban locations, as part of their life progress strategies and narratives.
Voluntary associations as tourism actors
What are the challenges and potentials of cross-sectoral cooperation between voluntary associations and tourism businesses in the development of tourism-oriented activities? This PhD project investigates this question.
Rural branding development
As in other countries, rural areas in Denmark face a number of challenges in terms of depopulation and economic decline. Therefore, rural areas are increasingly trying to 'brand' themselves in order to, among other things, retain their citizens and attract new citizens, students and tourists. This PhD project investigates how place branding takes place in rural areas.
New narratives and development opportunities in Danish Agriculture
This PhD deals with new narratives about alternative development opportunities in Danish Agriculture, and how we can use these narratives to create a communication tool for agricultural advisors - a communication tool to help advisors and farmers open up new development paths.
The limits of democracy
Do rural areas have political influence in the new large municipalities? How do large municipalities ensure that political responsibility extends right to the municipal boundary? These are just some of the questions that Malene Brandt will answer in her PhD thesis; "The limits of democracy - an analysis of the political possibilities of rural areas after the Danish municipal reform of 2007".
Innovation and learning in agriculture-related businesses
Under what conditions can innovation and learning support each other and create progress, and under what conditions are obstacles to progress created? This theme forms the framework of this PhD, and is part of a larger project called LIV.
Partnership organisation of rural development
The partnership organisation of rural development is an interesting and relevant area of research that is growing in importance in European rural development. This PhD project has dealt with partnership organisation, and more specifically the EU initiated LEADER partnerships.
Essays on Rural Development
The thesis consists of an introduction and five empirical articles. The aim of the thesis is to analyse some contemporary issues in Danish rural development. The background is a series of increasing problems in recent decades in the Danish rural areas, such as depopulation, loss of jobs and loss of public services.
Business development and innovation in rural areas in Denmark
The aim of the PhD project is to investigate business development and innovation in rural areas in Denmark. The overall issue is the ability of rural areas to - on one hand adapt to the knowledge society - and on the other hand preserve local qualities.