Kommende og nyligt afholdte arrangementer
21.02.2025 BMB Seminar room 10.15-11.15
Anders Sejr Hansen; Dynamics of 3D genome structure and function
05.02.2025 DIAS Auditorium 11.15-12.15.
Eric Green; Creating the Fourth Chapte..r of Genomics
19.12.2024 PhD Forsvar Kamilla Ankær Brejndal
Intersection of antibiotic resistance pathways and cellular metabolism: The role of the CrrAB Two-component System in Klebsiella pneumonia
16.12.2024 PhD Forsvar Gabija Kavaliauskaité
Inderstanding cell-fate determination using integrated single cell analysis Approaches
03.12.2024 Lyekion Seminar room 13.00-13.45
Natalia Prieto Vidal; The underexplored Polar Lipids in Marine Algae
29.11.2024 BMB Seminar room 11.00-12.00
Christoffer Clemmensen; Homeostatic regulation of body weight of body weight and anti-obesity therapeutics
26.11.2024 DIAS Auditorium 15.00-16.00
Monthly Seminar Series BMB & IMM
26.11.2024 BMB Seminar room 10.00-11.00
Anna Poetsch; Using DNA language models to understand sequence preferences for DNA damage and repair
07.11.2024 DIAS Auditorium 08.00-16.45
Genomics for Health
01.11.2024 BMB Lykeion Seminar room 10.00-11.15
Hans Blom; Nanoscale Kidney Pathology at Phylife/DaMBIC
31.10.2024 BMB Seminar room 13.00-15.00
Young Investigator Seminar - fall 2024
29.10.2024 PhD Forsvar Sofie Blomberg Elmkvist
Insights from organoids into developmental pathways and disease mechanisms
28.10.2024 PhD Forsvar Peter Toft Jensen
The Impact of Post-Translational Modifications on Insulin Secretion
10.10.2024 DIAS Auditorium
5th OUH-SDU Cancer Symposium