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Analyzing social practices for sense making. Developing analytic skills. (EMCA Bootcamp IX)

Date: November 28 - December 2, 2021
Time: November, Sunday 28 noon, to December, thursday 2, noon
Place: Summer cottages near Middelfart, Funen, Denmark 
Registration: No later than September 1, 2021 on mail to secretary Jeanet Dal at 
Please include following information in your mail: 
Name and surname - Mail - Phone number - Programme - University and which course do you sign up for. 
Participants Maxinal number: 20  
 Language: English 
 Accommodation: In double rooms - is free for participants 
 Transport From Middelfart station or SDU (Kolding or Odense) will be provided 
 Other expenses: The participants will cover their own travel and pay upon arrival 
DKK 500 for full board. 
For information: Please contact, Kristian Mortensen - mail: 
ECTS: 4 for full participation


**The course has been canceled**


Analyzing social practices for sense making. Developing analytic skills. (EMCA Bootcamp IX)

This 5 days residential seminar will engage with recent topics in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Among the topics addressed will be the phenomenological roots of EM, multimodal analysis, grammar and the body, collection-based analysis, space and mobility, and applied conversation analysis. Participants are invited to bring their own data for data sessions and to nominate topics for discussion. The program will consist of lectures, group discussions, assignments and data sessions. Notification and further information about the course site will be sent to the accepted participants (about October, 1).

When you sign up for the course, please send a description of your PhD project including a description of your data collection.
The description should be max 2 pages and may include a (short) transcription and analytic notes of a phenomenon you are currently working on. Since this course is notoriously overbooked, the description of your PhD project will play a major role in admitting participants to the course.
The description should be emailed to Søren W. Eskildsen ( by the time of registration – deadline is September, 1).

This course is offered in cooperation with the Doctoral Program for Media, Technology and Social Interaction, Kolding, the Doctoral Program in Language and Communication, Odense, both at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), and the PhD program for Language, Linguistics, Cognition and Communication at Aarhus University. For further information, please contact Kristian Mortensen (

Among the instructors are Elisabeth Muth Andersen, Catherine E. Brouwer, Dennis Day, Søren W. Eskildsen, Kristian Mortensen, Gitte Rasmussen, Johannes Wagner, Maria Vanessa aus der Wieschen (all SDU), Jakob Steensig (University of Århus), Spencer Hazel (Newcastle University), Leelo Keevallik (Linköping University) and Lorenza Mondada (University of Basel).




Sidst opdateret: 10.08.2023