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During pregnancy, there is a bidirectional exchange of cells between the pregnant woman and her fetus that in some cases lead to the establishment of the presence of small amount of genetically distinct cells in the fetus and/or the mother that may persist many years after pregnancy. This phenomenon is referred to as microchimerism and can be divided into fetal microchimerism (FMc) and maternal microchimerism (MMc). Studies have suggested that MMc and FMc may be involved in pregnancy complications, autoimmune diseases and malignancy, but the exact role is still uncertain. The group works in close collaboration with consultant Henriette Svarre Nielsen and post.doc Astrid Marie Kolte at the Fertility Clinic and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Unit, Rigshospitalet, and with associate professor Mads Kamper-Jørgensen, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen.

Principal investigator

MSc. Sofie Dolores Holm Olsen
Department of Clinical Research, SDU
Department of Clinical Immunology, Odense University Hospital
J. B. Winsløws Vej 4, DK-5000 Odense C


Members of the team

Staff at molecular biology group at Department of Clinical Immunology

Ongoing projects

Microchimerism and reproduction

Project options for students


Last Updated 27.07.2024