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The European way of thinking 

"When I first came to SDU in Sønderborg I was surprised to see how different this university was from what I knew about universities. It was a small, pleasant campus, but nevertheless students from all over world were gathered here. Learning about culture, business and law in Europe, mixed with this international atmosphere, is the perfect education for me. It is making me ready to face Europe and its citizens. By the way: Facing different cultures every day changes your view of the world.”

Anders, student at European Studies


International atmosphere 

"It is a very unique atmosphere at campus Sønderborg. Everything is in English. Also beyond the tuition. Everybody speaks English, so there is no need to let the Danish language be a deterrent when choosing where to study. As there are many students from all over Europe – and the world – it is a one-off chance for getting to know peers from different countries, and to experience an international environment".

Hans-Kristian, student at European Studies