CITCO extended for an additional five years (2025–2029)
First patient with bone marrow cancer treated with CAR-T in Denmark
CITCO has now treated its first myeloma patient with CAR-T cells
Doctor, Ph.D. Mike Bogetofte Barnkob receives an award for his research
Doctor, Ph.D. Mike Bogetofte Barnkob has been honored as the recipient of the 'Exceptional Young Scientist Award' at the Danish Cancer Research Days in Odense, organized by the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center (DCCC).
Researchers from OUH produce genetically engineered cells on a clinical scale for advanced cancer treatment
First CAR-T product completed at the Department of Clinical Immunology, Odense University Hospital
The research unit Clinical Immunology has hired ward physician Anna Christine Nilsson as clinical associate professor
Anna Christine Nilsson employed as a clinical associate professor at the research unit Clinical Immunology, Clinical Institute, SDU
Cand.scient. Sussi Bagge Mortensen has defended her PhD dissertation on October 1, 2020
Cand.scient. Sussi Bagge Mortensen has defended her PhD dissertation on October 1, 2020
The Department of Clinical Immunology has received DDK 14 million to establish the Elite Research Center CITCO
The Department of Clinical Immunology has received DDK 14 million to establish the Elite Research Center CITCO
Invitation: Mark Yazer's inaugural seminar
On the occasion of Mark Yazer’s appointment as adjunct professor in clinical immunology at the Research Unit of Clinical Immunology, Department of Clinical Research and at the Department of Clinical Immunology, Odense University Hospital, the Faculty of Health Sciences hereby invites you to attend an inaugural seminar
Christoffer Delgren PhD defence
Public defence in connection with the acquisition of the PhD degree
New Assistant Professor in Clinical Immunology
January 1st 2014 Marianne Antonius Jakobsen was employed as Assistant Professor at the research unit for Clinical Immunology, Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark.
Pre-graduate researchers affiliated with Department of Clinical Immunology
Two new researches affiliated to the project: "Autoimmune mechanisms in children with celiac disease"...
Amanda Cecilie Müller
Thesis student in Biomedicine started April 16th 2013...
Anne Staal Nielsen is employed as undergraduate researcher
by the Pediatric Research Unit at H.C. Andersen's Children Hospital; her employment is connected to the project "Autoimmune Mechanisms in Children with...
Marie Louise Horstmann new master student
has begun her project "Examining the role of interferon lambda in selected viral infections or...
Ane Landt Larsen new PhD student
has started her PhD project "Expression and function of different isoforms of ...
Christoffer Dellgren new PhD student
has started his PhD project "Regulation of HLA gene ...