ARTEMIS ready for take-off
The project aims to increase innovation and digitalization potential to foster economic growth and competitiveness of SMEs in the German-Danish border region as well as the future viability of the program region.
ARTEMIS ready for take-off
We are happy to announce that our EU Interreg 6A Germany-Denmark project proposal, entitled Pioneering SMEs: Innovative SMEs as Forerunners to Master the Grand Challenges of the 21st Century - ARTEMIS got granted.
The project aims to increase innovation and digitalization potential to foster economic growth and competitiveness of SMEs in the German-Danish border region as well as the future viability of the program region. The German-Danish border region is strongly characterized by SMEs. Areas of strength include tourism, renewable energies, manufacturing, or crafts. SMEs face challenges in terms of digitalization, automation, and sustainability. Some local SMEs are traditionally active in less technology-oriented areas. Catch-up processes for sustainable and digital transformation of markets would be cost-intensive and risky. Tailored collaboration will promote student-supported innovations in SMEs. In this way, current knowledge acquired during studies will flow into everyday business life.
ARTEMIS will identify the needs of the SMEs and it will develop a joint concept for initiatives, which are implemented and evaluated with the participating companies. Partners from both sides of the border are involved in each initiative. A permanent cross-border network of actors is established to support innovation capacity in SMEs and to improve the intercultural climate.
The ITI section Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation TEI in Sønderborg will be the lead partner and is granted about 624,000€ with an overall project sum for TEI of about 960,000 €. Partners in this German-Danish cross-border project will be Wirtschaftsförderung Nordfriesland, Hochschule Flensburg, Europa-Universität Flensburg, Sønderborg Vækstråd, Business Aabenraa, Mind Factory by Ecco and Wirtschaftsförderung Rendsburg-Eckernförde with an overall project sum of 2,4 Mio. €. The project is supported by 28 network partners, it is supposed to start on March 1, 2023, and will last for 3 years.
For further information please contact Associate Professor Silke Tegtmeier, tegtmeier@iti.sdu.dk