THEME: Including all students - Checklists
Checklists for inclusive and accessible course design, course curriculum, teaching and assessment.
- You can access further UDL resources here . The ‘Tips for Designing Learning Experiences’ includes the following checklist and guidance on how to address each checkpoint:
1. Start with a clear goal
2. Encourage flexible means to achieve the goal
3. Ensure all learners can access the materials and environment
4. Make learning personally relevant
5. Promote expert learning
- PowerPoint presentations (PPTs) - Here you can find a list of tips for making your PPTs accessible – ‘Creating Accessible PowerPoint Presentations’. Note the easy changes such as less busy slides, white spaces and colour contrast all of which facilitate reading from a screen.
- Planning and delivering sessions - This is Stanford’s ‘Digital Inclusion Checklist’, which includes checkpoints for advertising, preparing and hosting an inclusive event. Note their recommendations for video captioning and managing online sessions – all of which can be applied to online teaching situations. Note that Microsoft Stream - an app connected to your Office365 account - can generate automatic captions and a transcript for your Microsoft Stream videos.
- Planning and managing inclusive oral exams – ‘Oral Exam Checklist for Bias Aware Assessment’ - This checklist provides guidance on preparing students for the oral exam, managing the exam and grading and giving feedback. It includes pointers for examiners, censors, students and teachers.
- Checklist for an Inclusive Curriculum – here we offer a checklist for an inclusive curriculum which embraces diversity. It is increasingly common practice for course leaders and teachers to review the curricular content of their courses and ensure they offer diverse and de-colonised curricula. This checklist offers an introduction to the process and a future newsletter will develop this theme.